ELK M1 Interface

Hi all, brand new Home Assistant user here…just got it installed and running over the past two weeks. Long time ELK M1 user and Homeseer user.

I believe the latest update, 2022.7, breaks the ELK Integration. Immediately upon upgrading, all of my ELK Entities stopped working and I got an error on the ELK Device Card saying “Retrying Setup: Timed out connecting to elks://192.168.xxx.xxx”

I downgraded back to core 2022.6 and the problem went away. I didn’t spend much time troubleshooting the issue before downgrading.

As an aside, downgrading was super easy. I just went to the Home Assistant command line and ran “core update --version 2022.6.0” and it took about 3 minutes.

Thanks to everyone working on this integration. Much of my automation is based on my ELK, so this is critical for me to move to Home Assistant.


Try changing to non-secure or TLS 1.2. The newer images do not have support for older TLS versions anymore as they have been removed as they are no longer considered secure.

I suspect TLS 1.2 won’t help unless there was also a change to the Elk Ethernet version as well.

Trying non secure might be informative.

If this persists open a bug report and include logs. Scroll back in this thread a bit to see what to put in your config to get logs.

Heads up folks… With HA 2022.7.0 onward, the docker container version, it now comes with Python 3.10 which no longer supports TLS 1.0. M1XEP software version below 2.0.46 requires TLS 1.0.

So far at least one person has tried updating their M1XEP to 2.0.46 and changed the protocol that the Elk integration uses to elksv1_2. That has not worked either and could be a bug in my Elk library code. I don’t have 2.0.46 installed yet so have not been able to debug.

At present the only option is to run the integration in non-secure mode. I will continue to look at this. Please be patient.


Two items.

The secure mode is fixed in 2022.7.1.

I’ve added binary_sensor which has been merged into the dev branch. https://github.com/home-assistant/core/pull/74485. You can read the PR comments. I’ll add one more thing that is not in the comment and that is the mapping of sensor state to binary_sensor state. ElkM1 sensor Normal is binary_sensor off. All other ElkM1 sensor states map to binary_sensor on.

If there are better ideas on how to map let’s discuss here - the code is pretty simple and would not take much to change. We now have something to play around with.

I cannot login to my Elk anymore via secure mode. I have deleted and re-installed the integration but it simply won’t login…Glenn you say this was fixed in 2022.7.1, I’m on 2022.7.6 but have this problem. Have even created more user/password but those don’t work.

Can you open an issue on GitHub. Please include logs and version of your Elk and Ethernet board.

This is interesting, thanks for adding this - it eliminates a bunch of yaml that I had to create binary sensors for each of my zones. I’m curious though, is there a way to not have all the created binary sensors get prefixed with elkm1_? I don’t see anything in the docs, but wanted to make sure i wasn’t missing something :smiley:

edit: hm, I’m realizing that I may be uncovering something else that I’m just not quite understanding… If I disable the integration and delete a sensor.zone_blah, then enable the integration again, it’ll get created as sensor.elkm1_zone_blah. Is this expected?

Yes, this is expected that the device name is prepended to the names. This is part of the entity naming change that came with this latest release, as I understand it.

Ahhhh my bad, thanks for the heads up, appreciate the pointer

Hi everyone… I am running 2022.8.6, and while I see the binary devices, they are all unavailable in HA. I am connecting to the XEP securely, and sensors are updating fine. It’s just all the binary sensors are unavailable. What am I doing wrong?

They’re disabled by default. Enable them through the integration page.

Hi folks - I am very new to HA, and am using it to supplement a stack of node.js I use to integrate my Elk, Vantage lighting and a mess of Axis cameras.

The ElkM1 integration picked up all my Elk zones, keyfobs, etc, and is properly tracking the state changes as my family wobbles around the house this fine Sunday afternoon.

One this is missing - the keypad display ( card?) for area_1. That would be there is no entry for alarm_control_panel.elkm1_area_1.

As it is the only Area I have defined in the M1 is Area1. There are entries for alarm_control_panel.elkm1_area_2 to _area_8, but not 1.

I am wondering if I am missing some central idea.

I’ve reinstalled the integration a couple of times. One time I added the auto_configure:true before the re-install. Nothing seems to get me an _area_1.

Well that is odd!

Areas show up as alarm_control_panel entries. I had a bit of a hard time following everything you were saying but if I understand correctly area1 is not showing up and areas 2 through 8 are showing up. Also you tried with and without auto config.

I’d recommend using auto config no matter what (unless you choose to configure using YAML).

On the integration page click on the “1 device”. That will bring up the list of entities. Is area 1 there but hidden?

Have you read the Elk integration docs? Do you have the right version? Does anything in the docs cause you to question your setup?

If nothing tweak’s with these questions we’re onto getting log files. If you scroll backwards through this thread you’ll see instructions by @bdraco on how to turn on logging (I’d tell you but I’m on the road with just my phone at the moment).

did we ever figure out how to get this working with a C1M1?

Is there something specific that’s not working?

Who’s the Elk M1 guy that interfaced HA with Elk?
I want to send them some money.
I’ve used my Elk M1 for many years. Love it.
I’m warming up to HA and have to say the Elk integration seems solid!


I believe that would be Glenn Waters! And yes, I totally agree, it’s been solid! I am so grateful that all of my existing ElkM1 hardware works with Home Assistant!


To answer your question about not being able to find Area 1:

It is there.

Sort your entities by entity id.
Look down the entity id column for
alarm_control_panel.elkm1_<whatever you named area 1>

Area 1 will be there and end in whatever name you named area 1 in elk programming.
So for me area 1 is
so initially it shows further down the list
but when sorted by entity id you will see:

Area 2 thru 8 will be there as
…thru area8

You are not seeing your Area 1 because HA initially sorts entities by name.
So when you first look at a list of entities, you will see
Area 2
Area 3
Area 4
Area 8

That makes you wonder where is Area 1.
It is there.
It is named what you named it.
So look for alarm_control_panel.elkm1_<ANYTHING not named “Area x”>

It thru me off for a while.
It would be easier if in elk your Area 1 was just named Area 1.

In HA i hid areas 2 - 8.
If you don’t use them, hide those areas in HA.
Then the only alarm_control_panel.elkm1_ entry will be your area 1.

Hope that helps.

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I’m curious as well. I can’t seem to get the connection working to my C1M1 either. Did you have any luck?