Elster water meter - What's the easiest way to integrate it to HA?

Hi there,

I have this water meter in my new house. It looks like an Elster V200 or so. There is the spinning wheel so I suppose it could work with a proximity sensor like described here (Build a water meter with ESPHome and proximity sensor (no soldering required)).


Has anyone found yet the easiest way to integrate this kind of meter in Home Assistant?



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Hello Guillaume
I have the same water meter. I have not suceeded to read it yet. I couldn’t get anything with a hall effect sensor. I tried with a line following sensor to sense the rotating red/white disc, but my sensor was not working for that. I am waiting TCRT5000 sensors to arrive from China. I also tried AI-on-the-edge a while back but I didn’t solve the solar charging of the battery issue yet. Like you, it seems, mine is in the garden away from the house. For first approach I am using MySensors + nRF24L01 and for the second I am using an ESP32CAM and Wifi.
Have you made any progress ?

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Today I re-tried a Hall sensor I had, with no luck.
Over on this thread Inductive water meter - #20 by barrypre @roumen gives a solution. I just ordered the sensor https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32913528386.html

Hi @barrypre,

I haven’t tried anything yet as I know it won’t be simple :wink:

I was focusing on the other things in the house (roller shutters, etc.).

Thanks for the nudge, I will have a look into it.



Hey there,

I went with the Homewizard water meter and with a few bits now done, it works like a charm on the water meter Elster MID from Honeywell.



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