Eltako FTKE enocean window sensor

I have been able to successfully integrate my Eltako FTKE sensor with enocean integration.
However, this does not correspond to the correct entity description.

I was able to integrate the window sensor under sensor as “windowhandle”.
But it is actually not a window handle.

  - name: window guest
    platform: enocean
    id: [..]
    device_class: windowhandle

According to the description (https://developers.home-assistant.io/docs/core/entity/binary-sensor) the window sensor should be integrated as binary_sensor with the device_class “window”.

However, this is currently not supported.

Furthermore, the problem as “windowhandle” is that there is no translation in the frontend for the state (open / closed).

In principle only the code of “sensor windowhandle” must be copied to the “binary_sensor window” and a translation should be created :slight_smile:

I am planning to use the Eltako FTKE as well… has this been resolved so far?

Hi, are there any news? I started with Home Assistant and are very happy. But I have several FTK Window/Door Sensors, which I need to use. Can you help? Many many thanks!

I was able to add the FTKE door/window sensor.

the problem that I now have is, that everytime if I open or close the FTKE I got this event:

event_type: button_pressed
    - 254
    - 223
    - 193
    - 231
  pushed: 0
  which: -1
  onoff: -1

does anybody know, why the FTKE is always returning “pushed: 0”?

found a solution for the FTKE

in configuration.yaml add it to the sensor

  - platform: enocean
    id: [0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF] #your device ID
    name: door sensor
    device_class: windowhandle

then it will appear in the “Developer Tools > Events”
The Event looks like this:

event_type: state_changed
  entity_id: sensor.windowhandle_door_sensor
    entity_id: sensor.windowhandle_door_sensor
    state: closed
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Hi there,
maybe a noob question, but how do I get the ID from the Eltako? I have only a SNro. as a 7 digit number (xx xxx xx) but no code like on the Hoppe window handle


I’m also struggling with the missing ID from the Eltako FTKE. Can someone give us a hint please?

Found the missing puzzle. You have to activate the debug protocol of the enocean integration. Then push the Eltako FTKE at least once and deactivate the debug protocol again. The downloaded log file will show you the ID

[homeassistant.components.enocean.dongle] Received radio packet: A1:B2:C3:D4->FF:FF:FF:FF