EMap for indoor tracking

How about emaps? That would make it easier to implement indoor tracking.

Do u men like an interactive map showings some sensors as doors and windows ?

Kinda. You can place your sensors virtually on the map. (With multiple levels)
When adding something like beacons or other location tracking items, the can detect walls and see where you are.

Great idea… i was wondering why this doesn’t exist already :wink:

Any links?

This is what you’re looking for ?

Kinda. But a lot of features are missing. It should be a sepperate component in the menu.

I am actually looking for an emap type of functionality that would allow to graphically show the location of my ibeacons attached to phone, keys, bags, etc

That’s the idea.
I use Synology’s emap for camera mapping. Then on the emap, draw the walls and place the cameras. And then you can kinda track persons depending on what camera last seen that person.

This would also apply for beacons. When drawing walls, the beacon’s sensitivity should be greater on those area.

One should also be able to assign rooms on the emap and generate automatically the groups for those components.

Contextual information would improve enormously. “Turn off the TV in the living room”

Sounds interesting… For me, it was mainly to use the data from my Happy Hubbles… I have 5 of them, at different locations in my home. As soon as 3 HB’s report their distance to the beacon, it should be possible to determine its location (assuming you map the exact location of the HB’s on your emap too of course)

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