
Sometimes snapshots take a fair while to create and maybe you interrupted it? I use an automation to create mine every night at 3AM and then use the dropbox addon to back those up an hour later. As I said it’s possible you didn’t wait for it to complete.

Same when you restore - you need to WAIT for it to come back up and not think it’s locked up and bail on it by rebooting…

Not saying either of these caused the issue however I have NEVER had a snapshot restore fail.

@DavidFW1960 Hmm maybe, but I was very careful and didn’t make any actions during the whole process. Maybe it was just my bad luck.

I’d like to go back to my question about Your experience with SSD drives on RPi 3b+. Does it work properly with Hass.io now (usb boot)? For example Samsung Pro (or even Evo) SSDs are well known from their grat lifetime. I have couple of Samsung PROs running my company SQL database for 7 years now, works like a charm.

I agree with all of that and it is good advice (the waiting bit).

I do wish that HA (or hassio in my case :wink: ) would give a little extra feedback that it is doing something. A restart gives a message that it is restarting which disappears quickly for a good minute or two at least before the reconnecting message slides in. Maybe it’s not something that is easy or even possible given that system is restarting but having no message at all on the screen for a couple of minutes is a little disconcerting especially if you go and do something else for what feels like a long time only to come back and see no feedback indicating that anything is happening (or has started to happen).

(But for snapshots there seems to me to be no reason there can’t be some feedback during the process).

yes, and even that can be made a little easier, by copying the settings of each add-on and add them to your secrets file for example. That way, if you restore you have all settings at hand, and don’t make any typo’s… :wink:

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Using USB boot isn’t supported for HassOS yet but I believe it’s coming.

Before I got my NUC, to get myself ready for the process, I did install Raspbian Stretch Lite on a Pi3 and then installed Docker and used Dale3h’s script to install Hassio. This was off a USB stick and worked perfectly. This is a bit more work/knowledge to make it work but it does work brilliantly.

Yes I use secrets in the addons and do have them backed up but the core addons don’t seem to support secrets - but yeah copy and paste to a text file is a good idea.

I think it’s hard for restore as well because it depends on the hardware you are using how long it will take to come back up (and old versions of HassOS took a horrendously long time!) Acrually HassOS, I think I thought it was locked up a few times and it took me a while to learn to WAIT

So sad mate all you hard work I know how it feels. I deleted my entire config once while backing it up and had to redo the whole thing! Now I run an auto backup on a windows VM which connects to samba then just copies all the files and dumps them onto my Nas. I’m not worried about backing up add-on data since i just copied and pasted it all into a .ymal file.

I’m not knocking at all; you said Hass.IO gives you the best of everything and if you feel that way then you’ve made the right choice for your personal situation; with the only downside being slow(er) releases…

That’s one of the nice things about HomeAssisistant - the deployment models are many and varied so everyone can find something that works for their unique situation. From the Pi-Zero folks to those running on big-ass servers because they don’t like dead dinosaurs in the ground ;). We all find a way…

That’s actually a benefit to those who can’t resist pressing ‘update’ as there’s often something wrong, occasionally drastically so, in .0 releases. If you check the forum when the update is announced on the website you can read about all the tears of those that jumped straight and either wait or be prepared to fix whatever the issue may be if it’s going to effect your setup.

I agree until you get into the vicious circle that you update early to get some desired “I must have!!!” feature; only to find a bunch of bugs; and then it starts… you need that next update asap to resolve the bugs introduced… and it continues the spiral.

My happiness; and more importantly my family’s acceptance of my home-automation hobby, is far far higher when I can stay a couple releases behind and let others blaze the path… It’s just getting back to that state is tough.

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After the fiasco of last week, I have put a moratorium on upgrades.

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Yeah; it was a rough week. My wife and family were not so supportive of my HA hobby last week :wink:

Just back up the config yml files and the zwave config if you need it. I feel you though. I lost everything once and started backing things up. I’ve only had to restore it once after a bad update.

OT, looking for a dashcam, any forum/community recommendations to look out for good info? Thanks

I have recently sprung for this card:

And my secondary Pi3 runs on the 32GB version of it.

I used this one before and didn’t encounter any problems - but I thought ‘better safe than sorry’:

I’ve asked for HA minor updates to be available ASAP to Hassio users in order to not wait about 24 hours to get bug fixes to major releases… but my request has been closed:

Hassio is always delayed. Takes extra time to build. Always been that way. You can try and force an update via ssh by issuing this command from ssh
hassio ha update -o version=0.xx.x
It will update that way if it’s available whereas the update ‘prompt’ will take much longer to appear.

Usually I check here https://hub.docker.com/r/homeassistant/home-assistant/tags/ and if the update is listed there you can do the ssh update.

I’m never in a rush to update, especially given the number of point updates (.1 or even .1.1) after each release…

I always stay a release or so behind. Not worth the agro updating, finding stuff doesnt work and rolling back. I’m not externally facing though so I’m not too worried about that stuff. Once I am externally facing then I’ll have to upgrade each time and just grin and bear any teething issues…

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No performance hits I guess?
I’ve got a handful of these cards on my birthday list :slight_smile: I just thought other than the price there must be a downside, surely…?