Emotiva xmc-1

Hi @flavio61 . The HACS process is a little odd. In HACS, you need to add peteS-UK/emotiva: Create Home Assistant Media Player for Emotiva Processors (github.com) as a custom repo first. All this does though is tell hacs where to look for downloads - it doesn’t download it. So, right after adding the custom repo, you should search in HACS for “emotiva” and you’ll see the integration there, and you can download it. Then you’ll have to reboot, and then you can add the integration in Settings/Integrations. It would be more obvious if HACS took you to the download step after you add a custom repo, but it doesn’t…

I’d suggest you re-add it from HACS in this way else you won’t get updates. I just pushed a new version which tidies up a couple of things I think will help with 2024.5 and future versions as the HA team continue to deprecate old approaches and we have to update integrations.

Hi Peter thank’s for your help I now installed via HACS.

The problem remained the same as in the previous version. All volume management commands such as volume +, volume -, mute work perfectly. Also on/off works. All the other commands (source as HDMI1, or info, stereo etc. etc. instead of being executed, open the processor status window, this one that I show in the image below:

Screenshot 2024-05-03 192419

This is the command I created that is the same for all buttons:

- type: 'custom:button-card'
  icon: mdi:hdmi-port
  tap action:
    action: call-service
    service: emotiva.send_command
      device_id: db45ee765da8d527986e9089b16006d4
      Command: hdmi2
      Value: '0'
  entity: remote.emotivaprocessor
    - button_square
    - feedback_click

Where am I going wrong?

If you use the media player component just from the UI, does it work if you change inputs, mode etc.? I think likely not, but just checking first.

Edit: Or, just send a command directly from the UI (developer tools/services)

BTW - what happens if you send source_2,0 rather than HDMI2,0. I don’t use the HDMI tags directly. With the source_ commands, you’re telling the proc to make that the current source. The sources are what you configure in the setup menus on the proc - e,g. tying a video input and an audio input together. So, the integration uses these. If you’re pressing 2 on the IR remote, it’s selecting source_2, not HDMI2 (although source_2 might be setup as hdmi2 of course).
Look in the media player component. You should see the list of sources and be able to select them. Does that work?

One thing I know won’t work properly is the list of sound modes. that’s hard coded at the moment since the docs don’t tell me what it is. We’ll need to get the debug from you so I can add the right sound modes for the RMC.

Hi Peter thank you for your patience.
I tried the mediaplayer component and I also tried from tools/services and everything works perfectly both the volume control, the source selection and also the audio mode selection.

On the other hand, even changing my code from HDMI1,0 to source_1,0 still has the problem.

Hi @flavio61

Ah, well that’s all good news :slight_smile: Glad to hear it works.

The reason your card isn’t working is you’re sending it to the wrong entity. emotiva.send_command is on media_player.emotivaprocessor, not remote.emotivaprocessor. If you’re using remote.emotivaprocessor, then you would use remote. Send, but then you have to combine command and value

service: remote.send_command
  entity_id: remote.emotivaprocessor
  command: source_1,0

I’d stick with using the emotiva.send_command though and just change the entity.

If you get this sorted, I’d be interested in the debug output if you step through all of the music modes using the rmc remote/menus so I can add the music modes the rmc has that the xmc-1 doesn’t

Hi Peter,
finally with your suggestions everything seems to be working. Tonight I’ll do some more tests but now all the commands are responding.

The sound modes of the RMC-1 are as follows:
Reference Stereo
All Stereo
DTS Neural:X

Hi Flavio
Thanks, but I need the debug logs - the internal names won’t be the same. There’s also the Dolby modes etc… If you go to the device in the home assistant integration, you’ll see enable debug logging. Just turn it on, step through all the modes you can, and then disable debug logging and it’ll load the log file for you.