Emulated Hue - Filter by IP Address


I’ve tried finding if this is possible but not found any evidence of this ability in the Emulated Hue Component.

Basically I used to run the HA-Bridge but decided to simplify my setup and use HA instead. On HA-Bridge I could filter any Alexa command by IP. I made 4 different commands called “the lights” and added an IP filter to each as I have 4 Alexa’s.

This way I can walk into say my bedroom and say " Alexa turn on the lights" and because the command came from the bedroom Alexa (which is on a specific IP address) the system knew to trigger the bedroom light on. I could then walk into the lounge and issue the same command “Alexa turn on the lights” and HA-Bridge would only turn on just the lounge lights as the command came from the echo in the lounge’s ip address.

Is this possible with the emulated hue? or is there a work around besides saying “Alexa turn on the lounge lights” etc.



Surprised you missed this…

I use it to hide certain ‘lights’ from my Harmony Hub.

Blimey, I’m as blind as a bat.

That looks like it may be what I’m looking for.
