Emulated_hue switches discovered as lights

I am trying to add my devices to alexa. I used to do it with aws and lambda, however now I can’t port forward to 443 thus this doesn’t work because the alexa developer skill only listens to 443. Thats the reason why I now switched to emulated_hue. In the alexa app all switches are displayed as lights which means I can’t controll them. Does anybody have any idea how i can fix that or has another idea how to get my devices in the alexa app?

  type: alexa
  listen_port: 80

Thanks in advance.

  listen_port: 80
    - script
    - scene
  expose_by_default: true
    - input_boolean
  1. Make a boolean switch in HA
  2. Let alexa search for new devices.
  3. Make a routine in Alexa app (If you say…then turn on boolean)
  4. Make a automation in HA (If boolean on > Turn light on)
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Thanks for the advice, kinda janky but it works well.

If you prefer the Lambda approach, you can use my Addon which doesn’t require port 443 to be forwarded.

See [Addon] HA Skill - an addon to setup Alexa Smart Home integration for details

Yes I want that also but I don’t have a creditcard :slight_smile: to activate the AWS account.

I am still fiddling with emulated hue. When I go to the /api/v2/lights domain, all my devices are displayed. However Alexa still discovers all my old devices that dont exist anymore.

  host_ip: xxx
  listen_port: 80
  exposed_by_default: false
    - input_boolean
    - light
      name: "123Baustelle"
      name: "1233DDrucker"
      name: "123Fernseher"

clear the cache on the Alexa device via a webbrowser. Or unplug it for an extended period. Welcome to the annoyances that Alexa brings. And unfortunately, there is no easy way to clear the cache. Normally people unplug them all at the same time after deleting everything, then running discovery again. As an aside, this isn’t really an issue with nabu casa or Alexa Smart Home Skill, only emulated hue. It’s largely due to the fact that it’s emulating a gen 1 phillips hue bridge and Alexa does special things with that system.

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