Emulated Hue with Alexa

That’s the thread I was referring to, I don’t need it with my set up so haven’t looked any further into it.

will not work with the integrated component like

emulated_hue 1:

emulated_hue 2:


No, I am still unable to discover any items in the Alexa app

I’ve been having issues too. Basically tried all of the troubleshooting I could find. I had it working for months and then made one change and now nothing. I commented out everything except one to see if I can get it at least back up. I get the 500 error no matter what I do. Tried changing the listening ports, rebooted my Mac Mini, made the emulated_hue_id.json file and still nada. I don’t know what happened recently, but makes me believe it’s something in the latest release. Might go back to 0.49 and see if that fixes the problem. Really frustrating!!

FYI: New install HASS 0.50.2 on Hassbian works.

I just did a Forget All and then Discover in the Alexa Wep App just to confirm.

I don’t know what I did but miraculously mine also started working again. So odd!

I tend to only update when there’s a change I actually want so perhaps one of the previous updates broke something that isn’t being fixed with subsequent ones and I missed that one.

My Mac Mini was several versions old, hass.io on the Pi is brand new.

@Bobby_Nobble there are almost always breaking changes. Nothing wrong with your update strategy, but make sure you read the Release Notes and the Breaking Changes in all the updates you skip.

Always do, that’s how I pick the ones I want :slight_smile:

I suspected you did. Mostly for future people finding this in a search. Many get caught out not reading.

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I transitioned to HASS.IO, identical behavior. I can see the data in my browser, but Alexa ain’t picking up jack… Very strange.

When I try to discover my devices thru the Alexa app it does not find any, but if I tell Alexa to discover new devices it works. I can then tell it to turn on/off window light for example. The strange thing is that I can’t see the devices under Smart home/devices. I think Alexa want me to activate a skill. I tried to activate the philips hue skill but that didn’t work (I only have a raspberry pi with home assistant).

I guess it only means that I have to organise groups and automations in home assistant instead,

I eventually got mine working, after I added an Echo Dot. Prior I only had a Ecobee and was running the Alexa App. When I added the Echo, it just started working. Very strange, but happy it works now :slight_smile:

I changed my router and of course lost all of my emulated_hue devices. I’m going to try adding by voice and see if that works. Thanks for the suggestion.

Nothing remotely strange about it, you just seem to have missed the many occasions where it’s been said you have to have a real echo or Google home to use emulated hue :wink:

Must indeed have missed it, and can’t see it being mentioned in the component documentation either. I fail to see what the difference between the Ecobee 4 and an actual Echo Dot would be. A

Either way, thanks for all the help and happy it is now working :slight_smile:

very strange in Alexa app I only have the HUE bulbs, if I run discovery it will NOT show the emulated_hue devices.
When I run discovery with voice, it adds all the emulted_hue devices (but they are NOT shown ijn the alexa app).

EDIT it discovers them with voice (it tells me I have 85 devices) but is NOT working.

Argggghhh broken

Same thing. So I currently have 48 devices and 112 scenes (mostly from Hue) and 26 emulated_hue devices which can’t seem to ever get back with Alexa.

When I run discovery with my voice it says It found 157 devices. It’s a weird number because if it was 160 then it would just be finding my devices + scenes and not finding my emulated_hue but I can’t seem to find any combination that would be 157.

Hopefully there will be a fix one day.

For the third time :slight_smile: it’s still working fine for me.

@Bobby_Nobble Have you tried deleting yours and been successfully able to re-add them?