Enable/Disable a switch/light or any element of the interface

sorry, but I don’t know how to do that :frowning:

Go to auto-entities main thread & search for examples with card-mod.

Update: @andyblac, here it is:

  template: >-
    {% for ENTITY in state_attr('group.host_iiyama_ohm_check_for_zero','entity_id') -%}
      {%- set ROW = {'entity': ENTITY} -%}
      {%- if ENTITY == 'automation.host_iiyama_check_for_not_zero_ram_used' -%}
        {%- set CARD_MOD = {
                                 'hui-generic-entity-row ha-entity-toggle $':
                                   'ha-switch $': '.mdc-switch .mdc-switch__thumb input {pointer-events: none;}',
                                   '.': 'ha-switch {--switch-unchecked-button-color: green; --switch-checked-button-color: red;}'            
                           } -%}
        {%- set ROW = dict(ROW,**CARD_MOD) -%}
      {%- endif -%}
      {{ ROW }},
    {%- endfor %}

Just define your own list of entities & a particular entity_id to disable.

Also, you got a typo here:

ha-card: {

is there a way to just hide them instead of disabling?