Endless searching for Wifi while trying to setup M5 Atom Voice for Assist

I’m trying to follow the tutorial described here:

It looks straightforward enough… I have tons (15+) of ESPhome devices running around the house performing various tasks, so I’m not new to the flashing of ESPs etc.

The installer on the site linked above copies the firmware onto my M5 Atom and then I click on “connect to wifi” … and I get the scanning for networks window, that never ends…

I’m stumped, any ideas?

Best regards,

I’m just having the exact same problem, and it’s not a HW fault since I have order multiple M5Stack Echos and all is doing the same.

See here: ATOM echo not finding wifi networks after installing firmware - #4 by DraxxTF

Helllo davidlav,

Thanks for this. I did poke around in ESPhome a bit, but couldn’t figure it out at the time. In the end, I ‘caved’ and connected the M5 ATOM Echo to my daughter’s RPi400 and it worked right off the bat (I was using Chrome on my MacBookPro, where it didn’t work…). Go figure…

Good to know, that there is a solution out there (there almost always is)!

Best regards,

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