Flashed the light switch with Tuya convert on a raspberry pi with Tasmota.bin (<<the one that comes with Tuya)
Connected to light switch via wifi and loaded the wifi name and password
Connected to the light switch via the new IP address once it connects to the local network
Go straight to the webpage and upload new firmware (with the .bin below which was compiled in ESPhome) I didn’t change anything in the sonoff Tasmota menus
Now my issue is one of the hardware buttons don’t work. I can use ESPhome and HA to control the light switches and they work perfectly but the physical light only works on one side. I swapped the gpios around and funnily enough the physical button that works will turn on the button that doesn’t work when you press it. (if that makes any sense)
No, not really unless someone else has published it on Blakadder
You could set up binary sensors for all the unused GPIOs and see which one is triggered on switch press ?
I’m setting up the 3 gang today!
So this is where I’m at - I found this link (Esphome config for DS102 (3 Gang) · GitHub) which seems to match the existing GPIO’s for the 2 gang…So I’m assuming it should work for the 3 gang (if that makes sense) - I’m pretty sure the GPIOs are correct
Here is my config yaml:
I’m trying to compile it but I keep getting this error - I can’t seem to understand what the issue is…
INFO Reading configuration /config/esphome/outsidelights.yaml...
ERROR Error while reading config: Invalid YAML syntax:
mapping values are not allowed here
in "/config/esphome/outsidelights.yaml", line 61, column 7:
id: relay_1
INFO Reading configuration /config/esphome/outsidelights.yaml...
ERROR Error while reading config: Invalid YAML syntax:
while parsing a block collection
in "/config/esphome/outsidelights.yaml", line 60, column 2:
- platform: gpio
expected <block end>, but found '<block sequence start>'
in "/config/esphome/outsidelights.yaml", line 67, column 3:
- platform: gpio