Energy dashboard configuration problems

I have some trouble setting up the energy dashboard. Let me describe what i did so far:

I have 3 smart plugs which report the energy usage of the bigger household appliances (washing machine and dryer and dishwasher). I also have a sensor attached directly to the smart meter for the general apartement.

The smart plugs report the energy usage “energy today” and “energy total” in kWh. The smart meter sensor only reports the current usage in W and the counter value in Wh natively, although the actual number it reports is the value in kWh. Therefore i have customized the sensor so that it properly displays its unit as kWh.

Now the individual device section of the energy dashboard accepts sensor values with unit type kWh. For now i have added the “energy total” value. Is that correct or should i add the “energy today” value?
I assume for grid consumption i have to add the smart meter sensor value which reports the current counter value in kWh? Unfortunately the current counter value sensor is not selectable in the dropdown list. But: For experimental reasons in the past i created a daily utility meter sensor from the hardware sensor, and the daily utility meter sensor is shown in the list.

Selecting the utility meter sensor is apparently not applicable, because of that, i have a daily usage bar in relation to each other day, but the label on the y-axis assume that i only use about 0,01kWh per day, which is not correct.

So my 2 questions are:

  • Which sensor should i select for individual device consumption? Energy Daily or Energy Total?
  • If my assumption to add the total counter value of the smart meter to the grid consumption setting is correct, why isnt it selectable in the dropdown field? Has anone else the same problems with the HM-TX-WM and the HM-ES-IEC homematic sensors?

For the individual monitors I used my daily energy sensors. It works.

The integration need to be updated to have some new attributes added. Which integration are you using for these smart plugs?

OK. I will use daily energy sensor for the individual devices. They are generic ESP8266-smartplugs from Gosund brand, flashed with Tasmota.

The smart meter sensor is accessed via the Homematic integration, so i assume the Homematic integration needs an upgrade? Since the individual plugs are working fine.

Has anyone managed to find a solution that works for a HM-ES-TX-WM with a HM-ES-IEC?

I managed to get the power meters going with this assistance of this thread:

But the power monitoring with the HM-ES-TX-WM is not, it’s just not showing up on the list in the Energy module. I can however read these values just fine in Home Assistant itself on the Dashboard.

The requirements for the energy dashboard are:

  1. An energy sensor.
  2. A unit of Wh or kWh (note the exact capitalisation is important).
  3. An attribute state_class: total_increasing

For the third requirement you can add this with customize but it is preferred if you add an issue for the relevant integration so this can be fixed.

Thanks very much for that answer. I think I’ve fixed the problem by doing the following:

  • I used the energy_counter_1 entity from my HM-ES-TX-WM. When using the ES-IEC, you actually get two channels, and a combined channel. However, in my case, nothing is hooked up to the second one and this causes the combined channel to also fail. This first entity gives the actual kWh reading from my meter, so you were right, you need to set state_class to total_increasing.
  • I removed the integration that the article I posted above suggested, as this is not actually necessary. The entity above already reports in kWh.
  • I went into the customize configuration you mentioned above and along with adding the state_class that you mentioned, I also made sure the units were kWh.
  • I then created the following configuration:
    source: sensor.seq1375407_1_iec_energy_counter
    cycle: daily
    source: sensor.seq1375407_1_iec_energy_counter
    cycle: monthly
  • I then restarted, and went back to the Energy configuration, added new consumption, and picked the “daily_electricity” above.

It took a little while to kick in but after an hour or so I could see the values correctly.