Energy dashboard for OffGrid

How about the possibility to make the energy dashboard also useable for OffGrid solutions?
I use “Solaranzeige” to read out my Voltronic Inverter and Pylontech Batteries. It is filling all data in InfluxDB and transmits to MQTT.
I could have a nice Grafana dashboard for it and also use the MQTT valus for a HA dashboard (gauge, history bar, show live values) but that’s it.

I never found a way to get it declared as energy statistic value or how to integrate it in the energy dashboard. Also I see just “grid consumption” and “grid return”.
I have plenty of Tuya devices with energy meter. I could have live data and history bars but no comparasion for example how many % of the total todays consume was the fridge, how much was the TV, how much % was the todays cooking with induction or the Oven, the washmachine, …
Also all Ventilators and Heaters have Tuya smartplugs with energy meter, so I could group heating or cooling, network infrastructure, …

Specially in winter such a complete energy statistic could be very useful in OffGrid situations for best possible overview and economization if there’s not enough Solar or Wind energy for today or tomorrow

Hi there. I don’t know if you’ve found what you wanted but here is a link where I share my experience with off grid. The MQTT part is now changed in the more recent HA versions but the rest is still good.