Energy dashboard - GoodWe inverter and HomeKit - what entity and where?

Ok I am confused. I’ve added these along with the other template sensors above, but when I go to setup the Energy Dashboard and add “Grid consumption”, " Return to grid", and “Solar production”, none of these new template sensors show up as options.

I do see the sensor.homekit_xxxxxxxxxxxx_import and sensor.homekit_xxxxxxxxxxxx_export, but I don’t believe these give the values required.

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@Hufflepuff-source is your HK connected to your inverter via RS485 or just via the LAN?

I have a GE inverter (which is a rebranded GoodWe) with the HK1000, and I’m not getting the sensor.homekit stuff.

@jibran.aziz In the template it uses: sensor.homekit_actual_usage for the calculate, but I don’t see where you created that sensor else where.


Please see below:

  • platform: template
    device_class: power
    unit_of_measurement: ‘W’
    value_template: “{{ (states(‘sensor.homekit_pv’) | float(0) - states(‘sensor.homekit_load’) | float(0)) }}”
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Are they paired in the SEMS Portal app? Both the official integration and SEMS API HACS using the SEMS Portal to pool data.
In my instance, both are configured in the app via wifi and I use the SEMS API HACS which gets the solar production from the inverter (along with the temperature and few other sensors) and consumption and export values from the HACS. I then use the template posted above to get those datas into the Energy dashboard.

My system was turned on today and I’m confused with how to access the HomeKit data. I keep reading add HomeKit to HASS … how? I think I’m missing something fundamental.

I have a GW5000-MS inverter with a HomeKit unit. The inverter has a RS485 connection to the HomeKit. Both the inverter and HomeKit appear on my network. I’ve added the Goodwe Inverter integration and it detected the inverter and created 1 device and many entities. Show PV generation just fine but does not show any grid power. I cannot see any “sensor.homekit” entities anywhere.

Interestingly, both the inverter and HomeKit are broadcasting a Solar_WifiNNNNN SSID although they are both on the network. All data appears fine in the SEMS portal.

Hey Rob,

The GoodWe official integration unfortunately only supports the inverter and not the HomeKit. There have been some requests to add support but nothing yet.

There is an amazing HACS integration to help you here - GitHub - TimSoethout/goodwe-sems-home-assistant: Sensor for Home Assistant pulling data from the GoodWe SEMS API for solar panel production metrics.

The integration uses the SEMS cloud api to retrieve data. They do recommend creating a new user for this integration as you can only have one active connection.

Once you install hacs, use the custom sensors posted by Jibran which will have all the necessary sensors to be used for the energy dashboard.

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Thanks, but disappointing. I had thought I had purchased a system that I could connect to locally. I had a quote from another supplier that did provide full local connectivity but went for this as cheaper … darn.

I would not have purchased GoodWe if I had understood I cannot (yet) use it locally. Having an external company having ability to download firmware onto a device on my network is bad enough (I have put the GoodWe equipment onto its own partition for security).

Oh well. Thanks again for the quick response.

Yeah. I too was disappointed. Hopefully, they push an update soon.

If I had to do it again, I might do Fronius but for a $1000+ difference, I’m happy with GoodWe and cloud service to get the data.

It is almost accurate with 0.01kwh variation between what my energy provider’s invoice.

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Has anyone tried intercepting the RS485 communications from the Homekit to Inverter? Instead of having to deal with the SEMS scraping, it could be fully local?


bei fronius kann man das aber auch nur über eine cloud einsehen
ich habe meine goodwe 3648 und 5048 jetzt ohne seems in homeassist eingebunden
und kann alles zur zufriedenheit monitoren ( auch mit dem energy dashboard )

@jibran.aziz I am currently in the process of setting up the Goodwe SEMS API HACS Integration in HA. My setup is a GoodWe Inverter with a Homekit 3000 Installed. I am trying to setup a custom UI for my Energy and I noticed as soon as the Inverter shuts down at night that the ‘sensor.homekit_load’ entity stops reporting any values. What do you use to report your current House Power Consumption to a UI?

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Hi @tbarrett2615 - did you find a solution to this? I am seeing the same thing. I am thinking of using the ‘Grid’ attribute when ‘Load’ is null/0, if there’s no better way.

Hello everyone,

I had the GoodWe inverter and HomeKit working all this time but unfortunately the system got corrupted and the backups failed (long story). I’m rebuilding from ground up in a container.

I got the GoodWe official integration and the hacs GoodWe integration for Homekit.

Can anyone help me with the sensors and calculations. What sensors to use with the HA energy dashboard?

I’m completely lost and feeling defeated. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

GoodWe official integration without HomeKit works perfectly LOCALLY, NO CLOUD, however i or we dont have usable battery energy in and out data that i could add to Energy Dashboard of HA. I have a S-BP type of GoodWe. My question is, does this data available in homeKit or can we calculate it or should i buy a energy meter ?

Hi @smarthoo,

Just iterating my last comment on this post.

GoodWe official integration gets you Solar Production entity. HACS integration gives you a buy and sell entities if you have the energy monitoring Homekit device that uses CT cables. Unfortunately, my HA crashed few months ago and I lost everything without any backups.

So even I can’t get the config for the energy dashboard. :frowning: