Energy Dashboard stacked consumption graph with individual devices

Hi everyone,
I have a question on the Energy Dashboard. I currently have a Shelly EM mounted on the main grid cable that monitor the whole apartment consumption from the grid.
Additioanlly I have some shelly plugs that monitor high energy usage appliances.
I have added these sensors in the " Individual devices" section of the Energy Dashboard configuration.
So I can see the total energy consumption

and a daily breakdown

I would like to find a way to have these consumption appear as a “stacked histogram” on the main Energy Usage.
I know I could add those sensor to the main configuration of the Energy Usage:

but that would count the consumption of the individual devices twice.

Is there a way to do this?



I’m also after the option of the energy to be unstacked which would indicate what socket or device within the total energy used is using the data

It would be interesting to see what options are available in the back end to see if you can have unstacked data.

You can use the ‘Gas’ Consumption dashboard to track individual devices in a stacked format, even if they are electrical devices reporting in kWh…

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So why don’t HA simply apply the logic to the energy element?

Is this because they have catered only for energy as a whole and don’t want to add the complexity of unstacked usage to include specific devices

Maybe they need to improve the track independent devices section and enable you to do what the hack is enabling within the gas section

It making no sense as to why not when they have the logic within the gas section already and would be a simple cut and paste of code for the individual devices.

Thanks for the hack though :+1:

I think I might just set up my API data to do the maths and then that will give me an unstacked approach


I have been trying to get this functionality included r some time now.
Please feel free to vote for the WTH and lobby though various forums.

You could always use the sensors config as opposed to using the UI

I’m going to have a stab at it and I’ll drop the methodology in this post

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