Energy improvements

I dont know if this is requested already or not, but the energy monitoring really needs some sort of configurable settings on what data to show.
I have a bunch of devices that monitor power usage and they randomly report some ridiculous values and all the charts are messed up. Currently the energy monitoring is quite useless because of that.
It would be great if there was a setting like “Filter out values higher than x” or something like that.

Then use the search function.

You need to sanitise your data. Garbage in = garbage out.

Here’s an example:

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I know that pretty much everything can be done in HA if you know how. :slightly_smiling_face:
My point is that this should be fixed for everyone.
If it was only one specific device then yeah i would try doing it myself, but this problem occurs on multiple different devices.

Because they are not set up correctly. You need to do this. Not the developers.

What do you mean by “not set up correctly”?
Do you mean i should check every single device for “diy fixes” after adding them to HA, so that all the features would work as intended?

I mean your sensors are most likely incorrectly reporting 0 when they should be reporting unavailable. If that is because an integration is not working correctly, raise an issue for it on github. If it is because your template sensors are not set up correctly, fix them.