Energy Management in Home Assistant

The displayed amount is only updated 1 time per hour whereas the actual amount is real time

Thanks for the swift answer Makai, so we have to wait until the end of the day to see if the two values match up.

Hi all,

anyone already successful in linking the following integrations ?

  • wallbox Chargers
  • Growatt solar inverter

Thanks for the update


Whishlist for future improvements:

  • Add static consumption for devices without energy monitor - example: a simple bulb is switched on and consumes 75W - calculate the energy for the time the device was turned on and add it to the single device diagram
  • Add a cumulated sensor for Grid-Consumption
  • Comparison per Month as default view
  • Trend - Is your energy usage rising or falling?

And of course: Thanks for your great work!


Anyway to use this integration for this dashboard?

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Very well. An extension of the concept for solar batteries, that provide an API, would be great (display of charge and discharge in kW). There are certainly several users, who will support the test.

The proposal to consider “off-grid solutions” is supported.

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Does anyone have any hints on how to troubleshoot the new energy dashboard?

I’ve got a P1 connection through a cable and given the sensor names in the configuration, but nothing appears on the dashboard after more than 24 hours. I’ve been pushing this data to emoncms for years and that is still working, so the sensors have the proper data.

I’ve searched the log files for anything that could be related, but found nothing.
Is there a way to check whether the new statistics are collecting data?

It looks like I can’t get any value.
I added my sensors (they are showing 2 of each because i tried to add both utility meter sensors and device kWh sensor too so if at least one give a value) but all readings show zero. I set up it in the morning, so I should have some values now…

Same problem here. I was able to add all sensors, they are shown in the ‘Sources’ panel but they all show 0 kWh. But when I use ‘Developer tools’ to check the entities they all report a value which slowly increases. Also the energy distribution panel shows all ‘0’ values for Solar, Grid and Home. What’s going wrong?
Do you have to set up recorder to include the used entities? I’m using MariaDB for the history recorder.

Why does my solar production go negative at times (see green box).

It is not normal, that there is the curve is reduced to 0 or almost, even in full day, it is logical but not in negative since it is production autoconsumed.

I don’t send the surplus to the supplier.

In your opinion bug or not bug (I run on a database mariadb).

Do you think that the old data can be reanalized?


Use this:

It will take values from your template sensor and convert them to utility readings, the resulting "sensor"can be read into the energy integration.


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Hello @frenck, how can I use sensors made from the Rest platform? Those sensors are not showing up in the drop-down list of the new Energy configuration.


My entities are already in recorder, they are part of a energy managemt package I made in May, so I already had all sensors ready…


Just upgraded to 2021.8.2 and I cannot see the Energy setting in configuration.
I am on an unsupervised installation on a raspberry pi 4 and I do regularly updates. Did not have any problems at all the last 2 years.

Does someone have an Idea, why I cannot see the setting? My language preferences are “german”? Could it be a translation problem?

Best regards,

Do you have energy: or default_config: in configuration.yaml ?

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Looks like rounding to two decimal places has fixed my issue. I now have four power bars for 12:00, 13:00, 14:00 and 15:00.

value_template: '{{ value | round(2) }}'

Thank you for your excellent work.
I am now trying to configure the new Energy settings in Home Assistant 2021.8.
I have a ShellyEm as a meter for the energy coming from the grid and a ShellyPM as a meter for the energy coming from the photovoltaic panels.
I have been using these meters for several weeks in a dashboard implemented resorting to Grafana/InfluxDB. They have been working fine:

Now, when trying to select these 2 Shelly devices to configure the Energy dashboard of Home Assistant 2021.8 they are not visible but other devices are:

I would be very grateful if you could help me solving this problem.
Thank you


the following is written:
"…Expected data source not listed
You’re configuring a statistic but you couldn’t find your source in the dropdown? That’s caused by a bug in the integration providing the entity. Integrations need to configure their entities correctly so Home Assistant knows that we need to track statistics for it and how.

Open an issue with the author of the integration and link them to

Sorry for bothering you

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I’m using the Emoncms integration and I have all of the sensors working in Home Assistant but they are not available in the new Energy App. Is anyone else using Emoncms and having the same issue?

i found a soludion with
source: sensor.solaredge_ac_energy_kwh
cycle: daily”
in the configration.yaml

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No I did not! Thank you :relieved: I already thought about a line in configuration.yaml but I did not find anything about it in the blog post or docs.