Energy Management in Home Assistant

I didn’t do anything special, this is the code:

  - platform: fronius
    scan_interval: 10
    - sensor_type: inverter
    - sensor_type: meter
    - sensor_type: power_flow

I’ll be checking tomorrow to see if the ones I’ve selected produce the correct values.

First of all great work !

But I’m missing home battery integration on the dashboard. Is this planned for the future.

What hardware to get for easiest setup to monitor my household energy consumption?
I’ve got a Sonoff Pow but it’s only monitoring the fridge at the moment.
Shelly EM seems like a good option?

How are you seeing AUD/kWh ? i’m seeing EUR when my location is correct in the system as far as I know


Just to add to my previous reply, the following sensors give the correct values:

Frenck’s reply from earlier:

There is a new setting for local currency.


I’ve got my Energy values coming in as KNX sensors. Unfortunately, they do not support device_class or state_class attributes. Is there a way, how I can make them still work?

Could someone please add support to all the KNX energy sensors?

Thanks for sharing your config. I have copied your fronius integration config and the energy config and this is what I get:

The 9.4 kWh is my total production today not the current production. Did it take a while to sort it self out? Do you mind sharing a screen shot of your energy page?

Do you have default_config:? Otherwise add my: integration to your config

It’s energy though, not power, so “current” production doesn’t make sense. It has to be over a period of time. The top-right graphic shows the daily stats. I don’t think this new “energy” integration does power. This is mine for reference. 0.7kWh is the total solar production since I set it up 4 hours ago:

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Dear dgaust, tahnks for your reply,

I configured yesterday at 12:00 and 20 houres later it continues empty…


It’s in configuration below Tags

I also couldn’t get it working with solaredge modbus integration.

Did anyone get this running?
Help would be preciated.

Did this actually result in graphs that work for you?

I did this 5 hours ago. I can see the solar generated site sensor show a steady increase through hours of sunlight, but the solar production graph just shows “There is no data to show”. I’ve definitely exported (Tesla app shows this) during that time.

My energy usage graph doesn’t have that warning message, but it’s completely blank. Y access is 0 to 1 kWh and no points are plotted. I assume this one is because I’m operating on battery power though for the next few hours until depleted.

I can’t see a good way to model battery usage. Assuming I get this working I’m going to see a grid draw when I charge from the grid. The Tesla app does the ‘right thing’ and separates house load from grid draw, but I don’t see that Home Assistant has this concept.

The currency setting under general is locked for me referring to that it is specified in configuration.yaml, however, I have no currency setting there (since it is a new setting)…
Is there any way to “force unlock” it, alternatively; what is the syntax to use in configuration.yaml?


Looking at the raw numbers for real energy consumed it is incorrect. When I did the sums the value is not the true grid import.

The only way I could get the number shown is to take total consumption minus export but that is a meaningless number. It really should be (total consumption) - (total generated) + (export) that give the grid import correctly.

Ok looking at it a bit more the fronius smart meter is a net meter so when you import it goes up and when you export it goes down hence the need for a formula change in the intergration to give a useful value.

You need {consumed_fronius}+({export}*2)-{total generated}={grid Import}

But they I would have the same issue in reverse? In my mind I need to use the raw data from the clamp to have import as one sensor and export as another. Maybe I’m misunderstanding something here but the energy setup wants a sensor for each.

did you find a solution, same issue overhere

still nothing in the graphs, after many hours.
Could I check some entries in the configuration.yaml?

Where in Australia do that do this? Most smart meters I have seen areare using cellular (3/4/5G) radios in Australia. Would be curious to get some more details on what unit you have