Energy Management - Standing charge

nothing as of yet.

So how, and where (if not here) do we ask for this?

Itā€™s not a trivial user community (GB, Aus, NZ, IE plus others), and some users may never need to use yaml, so are locked out of properly tracking energy costs.

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My supplier gives the standing charge in pence via the Hildebrand/Glow community plug in, so the data is there. I just need to be able to tell HA to read one of these per day. Itā€™s odd you can set a fixed tariff/unit price, but you canā€™t set a fixed use unit/number. Iā€™ve seen the various workaround hacks out there, but Iā€™d really prefer to do via the Energy dashboard UI. The daily charge doesnā€™t change often so could even be manually set ever year or so. HA just needs to know to add one per day.

same with the octopus API. The data is there, I just canā€™t use it.

Just upvoting this request too - UK Octopus integration is providing the daily standing charge data for gas and electricity - just no way to easily integrate it into the standard Energy dashboard viewā€¦

Iā€™d really like to see this feature added. It would be nice to see an accurate cost in the energy panel after imports and exports are tallied. Iā€™ve tried a bunch of workarounds to get a standing charge added, but they all either mess with the energy consumption or just donā€™t work.

+1 from me