Here are some scripts to generate energy measurements for any bulb (or device) that home assistant can turn on or off. This is helpful if you have smart bulbs that don’t report power or dumb bulbs on a switch, or anything, really, where home assistant knows if it is on or off and you know the power.
It consists of two parts:
- A template sensor where you put in a list of lights (any device, really) and their power when on.
- An integration sensor that integrates the power into energy.
Compute the power based on whether devices are on in a template sensor:
File: templates/light_energy.yaml:
- sensor:
- name: "living_room_bulb_power_w"
unique_id: living_room_bulb_power_w
unit_of_measurement: "W"
device_class: power
state_class: measurement
last_reset: '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00'
state: >-
{%- set check =
{%- set found = expand(check) | selectattr('state', 'eq', 'on') | map(attribute='entity_id') | list -%}
{{check.items() | selectattr(0, 'in', found) | map(attribute=1) | sum }}
A few things to note about this code:
- The “set check =” sets up a dictionary that has ‘entity’:Watts_when_on. You can simply put as many items in this list as you want with their wattage. For example, my ‘switch.living_room_lamp_1_plug’ controls a lamp with six 6.6W bulbs, so the power when on is 6*6.6. Don’t forget that you need a comma after each line and no comma at the end.
- You need to include device_class, state_class, and last_reset for this to work with the energy integration.
(The code works by expanding the dictionary into entity objects, selecting only the ones that are ‘on’, then extracting only their entity_id into a list. Then it takes all of the power values from the dictionary for each of the on items in the previous list and adds them up.)
Note that this code provides a sensor “sensor. living_room_bulb_power_w” that reports the current power (W) used by these devices. To get energy (power over time) you need to integrate it:
Integrate the power to get energy:
File: sensors.yaml
- platform: integration
name: living_room_bulb_energy_kwh
source: sensor.living_room_bulb_power_w
unit_prefix: k
method: left
This code will produce a new sensor ‘sensor. living_room_bulb_energy_kwh’ that will produce the energy. Note that it may not update until after some of the elements in the power sensor change.
Now, how do you put these together?
Well, in my configuration.yaml I have the following to load them.
sensor: !include sensors.yaml
template: !include_dir_merge_list templates/
How to debug:
Under Configuration->Server Controls
Use “Check Configuration” to find obvious mistakes.
Reload Template entities will reload the power sensor.
Then go to “Logs” and press refresh. The top entry will tell you if there are any non-obvious mistakes.
However, there is no way to reload the energy (integration) sensor, so you have to Restart home assistant to reload that.