Energy monitor - Block heating addition

I have block heating (dutch: stadsverwarming) to heat my house, and also make warm water. I would love to have this shown in the energy dashboard.

I’m using this sensor to monitor usage: GitHub - golles/Home-Assistant-Sensor-MC66C: Home Assistant custom component for the Kamstrum Multicall 66C

Same for me! Would love such an integration

You can feed many things to the Energy Dashboard, like your m3 values as Gas. Or you can convert the KJ to kWh.

For this, you can use a template sensor, similar to this, just need to figure out the templating.

    - name: Measured Total m³
      unique_id: measured_total_m3
      unit_of_measurement: "m³"
      state_class: total_increasing
      device_class: gas
      state: "{{ states.sensor.kamstrum_m3.state}}"
           last_reset: '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00'

Or, you can customise your current entities to have device_class gas or energy and state_class total or total_increasing.

Here is a topic which would give you some help how to customise them:

With templating you can create a sensor to calculate kJ to kWh and handle the consumption as energy.

I got this to work as gas reading in m3, but thats still a bit of a nasy solution though. Still thanks! :slight_smile:

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