I spent a bunch of time today trying to reconcile what I know. In case anyone else stumbles on this thread looking for considerations…
I took a circuit inventory and counting the mains, and the 240’s with neutral, I need 17 CT’s, and only about half the circuits. That’s a lot and doesn’t include any that are lighting. I could give up a couple but if I’m going to do this, I hate to start off limited. That either puts me to two separate IoTaWatts, or take it off the list. I don’t see any reason two won’t work, but I’m not sure ancillary software that I might want to use with it would be happy. Plus by then it’s up to the price of…
Brultec would work, it does a lot more (32); with their CT’s it is about $550 or so. And I know someone is working on the integration as a fix was released in .106. I’m rather leaning toward them.
The Energy Detective - I still have a soft spot for them as my very old one still works. I inquired, and they have an open API but no info about HA integration. The pull API though, as best I can tell, is for totals only, nothing at the branch circuit level. There is a push integration (they call it 3rd party) that does HTTP posts which does include that level of detail. I reviewed the current integration (not sure if it’s even working) and it’s definitely pull. I suspect it’s not that hard to accept posted data (indeed I could probably post to InfluxDB through a bit of scripting first), but… it sure would be nice if already done. I’m also disinclined to use it as they use powerline to communicate from their in-panel device to their network device, and that works great unless… well, it doesn’t. I’ve got it right now with their 1001 device, and both my office and my network closet (the two places I really want it to reach) do not work. I think it’s from noise from the UPS’s there (note I am not trying to communicate through the UPS’s, they are just on the same circuit). Their response was:
The TED Pro Home does use powerline carrier –
but it is unlike anything you’ve seen.
You won’t have any communication issues.
Which is interesting as I told them it is exactly what I am struggling with on their Ted 1001; not sure if they improved it or not.
The lechacal stuff is really interesting. I’m going to stare at it again this evening, but a stack of three 7/8 port ports all on top of a Pi may be just fine, but it isn’t a big confidence builder. I also worry about physical arrangement – all those wires go into the outside of the box, so I really need to put the box and all the wires in some big junction box to keep it neat, and it’s going to stand pretty far out from the wall (in a garage). All manageable I guess, but… well, going to look again.
Advice, as always, welcomed, especially if I’m misunderstanding some of these.