Energy spent source not showing in energy monitor configuration

I have a Shelly energy monitor reporting power via MQTT which is appearing in HA as sensor.shelly_ch0_power (in W). I am then using the Integration ingration to create a sensor called sensor.shelly_ch0_energy_spent which is repoting kWH.
However, this sensor is not appearing in the Configure Grid Consumption dialog.


Hi all,

Bumping. It appeared for a bit and after the most recent updates to HA it’s now disappeared again.

Here is the configuration I’m using:

- platform: mqtt
  name: "Shelly CH1 power"
  state_topic: "shellies/shellyem-E44FDC/emeter/1/power"
  qos: 0
  unit_of_measurement: "W"
  expire_after: 900
- platform: integration
  source: sensor.shelly_ch1_power
  name: "Shelly CH1 Energy Spent"
  unit_prefix: k
  round: 2

I’ve looked at this post: Home Energy Management in 2021.8, but it’s not obvious if this can apply to an integration sensor

Why not use the official Shelly integration and let it handle everything for you?

add device_class: power and state_class: measurement to your mqtt sensor