Engergy pv production sensor drops to zero, how to avoid in template sensor?

i got this: https://snipboard.io/3eEOGS.jpg

you copy/pasted it wrong and the fields aren’t correctly lining up. Take a look at the copied code again and ensure all spacing is maintained.

I was very carefull now to correct it but stil got the same problem: https://snipboard.io/UKjyL6.jpg
when i try to type it in manually i even got the same problem when i select the sensor-template

can’t see the rest of the file for the spacing on the other items.

full file: https://snipboard.io/oRNZIQ.jpg

that code goes in the sensor section and the spacing needs to line up with previous spacing in the sensor sections.

it works thx :slight_smile:
still cant add it to the energy dashboard tho :frowning: but will look futher for that

To add it to the energy dashboard, I made a utility meter out of the filtered sensor:

    source: sensor.saj_total_yield_filtered
    name: Daily Solar Yield
    cycle: daily   
    source: sensor.saj_total_yield_filtered
    name: Monthly Solar Yield
    cycle: monthly