Enigma2 receivers integration

Here is my configuration.yaml

- host:
port: 80
name: Television
timeout: 20
username: root
password: root
picon: picon

How to add second device?

- host: ip1
name: tuner1
username: root
picon: screenshot
- host: ip2
name: tuner2
username: root
picon: screenshot

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Hi, yes I do.

“Hey google turn on dreambox room” :slight_smile:
I was able to increase volume with "hey google set TV birgthness to " … many time ago, never tried again.

When I add that and restart HA looking in Overview panel:

Entity not available: media_player.television
Entity not available: media_player.television 2

What is wrong?


Okay that works, but channel zapping let say to google speaker zap to channel 4 or 5 etc… ??


i’m very interesting in this wonderful component.
I use the MERLIN Image on my Dreambox 900uhd and the have the “official” DMM WebIF (Version:1.9.0) and not the OpenWebIF.
User “Cripplin” wrote something similar in Feb 2018: Enigma2 receivers integration

Is there any support for the “other” WebIF? Or is it possible to replace the WebIF?

Many Thanks

Boas… já é possível ver em tempo real o player da box? Sem através de imagem?
Tenho uma vu0 e gostava de a integrar no HA

After latest HA update 0.109.2 i get this warning:

2020-05-01 12:19:06 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.util.async_] Detected I/O inside the event loop. This is causing stability issues. Please report issue to the custom component author for enigma doing I/O at custom_components/enigma/media_player.py, line 160: return self._opener.open(uri, timeout=self._timeout).read()

No it is not. But you can do it directly from the box webinterface

Hi Jagiel

Thanks for the info.
I will upgrade HA now, check the error and see how to correct it.


Hi, i have a same problem…

I can confirm

I will have to implement async http requests.
Let’s see if it can be done

Dear all

Version 1.2 released.

Now compliant with Home Assistant 0.109 release.
All sync methods are not implemented as async.

No more I/O error messag.
Tested, I can change channels, volume, mute and send notifications.

Showing current channel screenshot

Screenshot from 2020-05-02 15-06-55

all works :slight_smile:

Tks a lot…

in this version, the buttons next e previous send button left end right…
in the previous version, , the buttons next e previous send button next channel, previous channel…

i change the commands
wait self.request_call(’/web/remotecontrol?command=106’). => 402
wait self.request_call(’/web/remotecontrol?command=105’) => 403

Hi Felipe, thanks for the feedback.

No changes were made on that portion of the code.
Did you change your box firmware, to other version?

I still send the “right” and “left” key commands.
If they are mapped to anything else on your current firmware (see your settings), then it will do whatever is defined on your config. Otherwise, it is like pressins right/left on your remote.

But yes, you can change the code to do whatever you want (see here: https://dream.reichholf.net/wiki/Enigma2:WebInterface#RemoteControl)


Hi - newbie here with Home Assistant. I posted this in another thread but found this thread which is more relevant to my problem.

I am trying to setup my enigma2 box (zgemma H2S) and inserted this into my config file:


  • platform: enigma2
    host: ‘myipaddress’

Restarted the enigma2 box and restarted Hass (which is running through Portainer, OMV5).

But the enigma2 box is not showing on my overview home assistant page - have i done something wrong?

My zgemma box has openwebif and i can access it through a web browser.


You have to copy the into your custom_component folder.
Also, don’t you have a user/password to access ?
