EnOcean - Configure FUD61, how to get 'sender_id'

Hi all,

I have the same problem with an eltako FMS61np.
I can switch the light on but not off again.
Have you found a solution for that by now?

Greetings CSB

okay in my case i found out that the Data to switch the light is: (4BS telegram)

light on 01 00 01 09
light off 01 00 01 08

(Tested with Dolphinview)

It would be great to give the enocean plugin of home assistant that information.
But i don’t know how or if it is even possible.


I also try to get my EnOcean components to work.
I have not yet tested to send something to the actor but the switches are working.
I also had a Look at a Node Red Plugin MoBiUs for EnOcean there i found howe to set this up.
May be that you can find a hind there.
There is also a other Plugin for actors but Installation faild.
I guess there are some parameters missing.
I have also temprature sensors and her online one value (actual temp) and i Know Form a former FHEM installation there are More values in the telegram.

Did sombody try this:



I now managed to get on and off for a dimmer

I use NodeRed with the EnOcean plugin

The issue is
If i teach the First message to the actuator it took this as a Main on
The second teach in also
So both messages have been teached in as a Main switch on

I used PCT14 to See this
Also via PCT 14 i changed one Message to off
And it worked