I have bought a USB310 Enocean controller and connected it to my raspberry pi. I have enabled Enocean by doing as the component configuration suggests: https://home-assistant.io/components/enocean/
I have then added a Eltako FT55 switch to to the configuration using the example https://home-assistant.io/components/binary_sensor.enocean/
The binary sensor has now been added to my list of entities:
binary_sensor.enocean_binary_sensor off friendly_name: EnOcean binary sensor
The switch has four buttons but it only shows up as one binary sensor, shouldn’t there be two? On top of this I can’t get the state of it to change by pressing the buttons on the FT-55. There are no errors in the log and I honestly don’t know where to search for further information on what has gone wrong, anyone else using this switch?
The combination of battery less wall switches and Hue lights look really good, just have to get it to work…