Enphase Envoy with Energy Dashboard

Hi @vk2him ,
Things are looking great today.

I am now trying to configure the CO2 Signal but not having ant luck

In configuring I used the “use Home Location” option and API key they sent me but nothing seems to happen. I though maybe waiting 2hrs but nope.
this is the integration

Do you have any suggestions?
Thank you

Great to see you have Energy working now Ron.

For Co2, I don’t have that configured however it looks like you may need to specify a specific country/area code - It would be like that if you’re in Australia - where are you located? Here’s teh list http://api.electricitymap.org/v3/zones

I’m in New South Wales (Australia) so i’d have to enter AUS-NSW under “Specify country code” in the Co2 setup.

I am also having trouble with co2 Signal.

I decided to test my auth-token works by going into terminal of home assistant

➜  ~ curl 'https://api.co2signal.com/v1/latest?countryCode=AUS-NSW' -H 'auth-token: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' --silent | jq .
  "_disclaimer": "This data is the exclusive property of Tomorrow and/or related parties. If you're in doubt about your rights to use this data, please contact [email protected]",
  "status": "ok",
  "data": {
    "datetime": "2021-08-23T06:00:00.000Z",
    "carbonIntensity": 658,
    "fossilFuelPercentage": 79.78
  "units": {
    "carbonIntensity": "gCO2eq/kWh"

OK, so that works.

Next I go and setup CO2 signal in Energy Dashboard and then this happens in the log file for home assistant.

2021-08-23 12:55:19 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.config_entries] Config entry 'AUS-NSW' for co2signal integration not ready yet; Retrying in background
2021-08-23 12:55:25 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant] Error doing job: Task exception was never retrieved
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/entity_platform.py", line 368, in async_add_entities
tasks = [
File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/entity_platform.py", line 368, in <listcomp>
tasks = [
File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/co2signal/sensor.py", line 82, in <genexpr>
async_add_entities(CO2Sensor(coordinator, description) for description in SENSORS)
File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/co2signal/sensor.py", line 104, in __init__
"country_code": coordinator.data["countryCode"],
KeyError: 'countryCode'

I’ve also tried co-ordinates instead and just AU for australia.
All yield the same results.

Same for me when I just tested - and I googled and found it’s a known error - read the last entry on this thread:

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madsnedergaard commented 2 hours ago

It is indeed a mistake on our side (co2signal/electricityMap), where a recent API change introduced this problem.
I’m working on fixing it right now, it should be back up within a few hours :slight_smile:

I have deleted the CO2 Signal integration until I hear its fixed

madsnedergaard commented 11 minutes ago

The countryCode key is now back in the API return and your integrations should (hopefully) work again! :partying_face:

Confirmed it is working now.


Mine came up too but have not seen anything in the dashboard yet

Patience @rontaylor
Mine just started working.


It had to wait for the 7pm totals (8pm update that happens about 20 past the hour) to work but it worked.

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@del13r ,

Thank you for such a detailed thread. My solar company just finished installing my system and I’ve given it about a week to capture data. I am not sure what is going on with my system but it appears to be reporting the Production and Consumption as the same. There is only one CT in my enphase combiner box and the solar panels are properly routed through it. I connected locally to the envoy and the data matches what home assistant is reading so the problem seems to maybe be the envoy since HA is reading what it showing? I attached a few screen shots to help describe the problem. Hopefully you can provide some insight. Oh and please excuse the different data in each of the screenshots. The sun changed in between me capturing but the point I’m making is there. Thank you!

Hi @tensi0n

For the sake of confirming your envoy is properly configured, please to go
and see what it shows there.

Should look like this on a clear day

Failing that, go to http://envoy.local/

If you only have one CT then you are only measuring Production. Which model Envoy did you have installed, are you sure you had Power Consumption installed? When you navigate to http://envoy.local what does it show - it will only show production if you only have one CT. This is mine (I have production and consumption).

Something looks a bit off with your device_class: as well

It should only say device class: energy for the following sensors:

This one should NOT say device class: energy

Your current_power_production and current_power_consumption sensors should only have these attributes

state_class: measurement
unit_of_measurement: W
icon: mdi:flash

So what’s odd is that when the system was initially installed, the production and consumption meters showed “Not installed” on the envoy.local but the data on the home assistant side (the current Production and Consumption) was different (as showed on this forum) and appeared to be correct with the enlighten website. At the time, the website didn’t show any metering, just how much the system was producing. I asked them how I could see production and consumption on the enlighten website and they said it needed to be enabled; which they did. Now the envoy.local production and consumption data and what it is pushing to HA is the same. Here are some screenshots from enlighten.

OK - edit - something isn’t setup right in your system - can you show us the output from http://envoy.local like mine above?

Note - you’re not consuming any power when the sun isn’t producing power - so it looks like they haven’t installed your system correctly
This is mine - see consumption at night - this

is missing on yours

Is this what you want to see?

Yeah, its very weird that your consumption and production are almost identical.
These should be independent.
You only need 1 CT clamp attached to 1 wire.
That wire should be the mains wire coming out of the utility meter which supplies your house with grid electricity. The CT clamp just measures how much electricity is flowing over the wire as well as what direction and stores this in the consumption records.

Please make sure the CT clamp is only clamped onto 1 wire and maybe try rebooting the envoy.

Or better yet, if its a new install, get the installer to check out your consumption/production numbers online and then maybe they will come out and check the physical installation and advise if there are any issues.

Yes thansk Ryan - see production is identical to consumption - unless you have a battery or a smart power diverter - any excess power generated should be exported - so consumption would be different to production - see my edited message above