Entity_filter baser on target Temperature

In Lovelace, I would like to have an entity filter card showing only the thermostat that have target temperature higher than 16 degree Celsius.

Tried this :

type: entity-filter
  - climate.bureau
  - climate.lysandre
  - climate.clement
  - climate.cuisine
  - climate.maison
  - "temperature": '> 16'
  type: glance
  title: Chauffage allumé

The State filter is a mystery for me.

I use this custom card:

  title: Too Hot
  type: glance
    - entity_id: sensor.gpu_temperature
    - entity_id: sensor.cpu_temperature
    - entity_id: sensor.*temperature
      state: '> 25'
show_empty: false
type: 'custom:monster-card'

Note the use of wildcards in the sensor name. Makes it very easy.

Wow, thanks that’s cool, it work for showing the target temp sensor of a thermostat.

Bu is-it possible to show the climate control of this filtered thermostat. (so I can change the target temp)?

I tried using:

entity_id: climate.*temperature

No chance

I think you can only show the entity not the entity’s attributes.