Yep, same here. But it’s a rebate not free. Also, it’s not zwave and cost 4x the price of a zwave thermostat.
I’m sorry, but I don’t think it has anything to do with it. Looking at your past trace, it seems that the price change happened at midnight. Are you sure your thermostats time isn’t off by 2 minutes and it’s executing the default program at midnight?
I really think you’re over complicating this. Disconnect the thermostat from wifi, and see if it happens again.
I don’t have a thermostat. Just the Daikin HA integration that has been disabled the last 24h. So HA is can’t turn on the HVAC. It is done by the built in WiFi controller and triggered by energy price. I’m more than 100% sure about this, since this happens at different hours each day. An at every price drop the HVAC is turned on. So there must be an external service that is aware of my Daikin and turns it on.
Can you just post the model # and brand of whatever is controlling your HVAC system.
Just an idea, but have you checked, that not one of your scripts or automations is starting this? I just took a quick look at your config, and I get the feeling, some of these if-else statements might give out something unexpected, that is triggering something else.
Is there nothing in the automation editor/history thingy? As you know the lat time it happened, check the automations for a similar timestamp and look in that specific automation.
Also, this line should break your configuration, I’m surprised it passed a restart:
I think (not know), that this empty line is breaking your config in some way, but others might know that for sure.
I have spent many, many hours on this. But they work all right. I have made numerous tests and changes to eliminate this error source. The most drastic one was to disable the Daikin integration. By this the Daikin entity is not available at all, but still the HVAC turns on. So I have eliminated HA as the root cause of this problem.
The easiest way to confirm that for sure is to turn off your HA server host for a night, if you can live without it.
I will turn off my HA completely today. Price will drop below average at 1pm today, so I will see what happens then. This test will definitely erase any questionmarks if the off command originates from HA.
Btw, yesterday I noticed HA picked up the HA off state even if I turned off my Daikin with the standard remote controller. So this explains why any external service impacting my Daikin will show up in HA.
(Just a remark. It seems like the shutdown option in the HA GUI is gone. I poked around for at least 15 minutes without finding it. I had to use
ha host shutdown
in a SSH session to safely shutdown my server…)
Settings > System > Hardware > Three dot icon top right.
Ok, 2 min past 1pm my Daikin turned on again. My HA was completely down. So by that I can once and for all outrule HA as the source of this problem.
By this I should close this topic, but I guess some of you are interested to hear the end of this story. If I come to an end I might add…
So my Daikin has a built in wifi interface. By means of a Daikin app, I can basically do all things I can do with the IR remote controller. The app connects directly over the LAN if I’m present in my house. I can also connect off-site by means of Daikin cloud access (using the same app). The cloud access is set up automatically when you configure the wifi interface without the need to open any ports on my router.
I have checked with my energy supplier. They do not interact with the Daikin interface directly. Only via the Sensibo wifi remote. But this is not in operation any more. And my energy supplier has also removed this configuration.
I have not configured Google Assistant nor Alexa. So my only option is Daikin is doing something from their cloud. So they must know my energy prices and try to do something, WITHOUT MY KNOWLEDGE!! It is a long shot, I admit. But I can’t come up with any other theory.
Please note the HVAC is turned on at different hours each day. And this hour is 100% correlated with the hour the energy price drops below the avarage price the actual day. So this is not driven by a schedule. At least not a static one. It must be updated each day.
Reset procedure:
Turn your AC unit off at the circuit breaker. Wait one minute. Turn it on again.
Press and hold the remote ON/OFF button for 2 seconds.
Turn the AC off with a single press of ON/OFF on the remote.
Turn the AC on with a single press of ON/OFF on the remote.
Finally my Daikin is silent as a dead fish! At least more than one day. And during this period I’ve hade at least two price drops that should have turned on the machine before.
The reset procedure suggested by @tom_l made the trick. Probably I will never figure out how this happened, but anyway. Mission completed.
Believe it or not. After 5 days of silence, my Daikin turned on again at 2 am this night when the electricity price went down below todays average. I turned if off, and the same thing happened this afternoon when I had a similar price drop. This time my HA system was up and running, but earlier tests showed HA is not involved. It doesn’t help to shutdown HA. My Daikin will probably behave like this until a factory reset.
I have to give up on this and adjust temp setting to 10 degrees to force my Daikin in idle mode. Hopefully power consumption will be neglectable in this case. Or I have to switch off power completely. Hunting ghosts is not good for you mental health.
That’s really unfortunate!
What I don’t understand, can’t you just block the internet for that specific device in your router? That should solve the problem - no net, no commands.
But don’t take it personally, everybody has these small goblins. I have one with a thermometer that keeps getting absurd values (like 140°C in the bathroom), but only in the bathroom. If I change that thermometer to the livingroom, it behaves like it should, as well as the “new” thermometer" in the bathroom. If I change back, I get the same absurd values again…
Gremlins! Just note: don’t feed them after midnight, don’t let them get wet and don’t let them near the sun.
Good idea to block internet access in my router! I will try that. And your advice about gremlins as well…
Note, that blocking may only affect new outgoing connections. You may need to power cycle again.
FWIW, I have all my IOT devices on there own WIFI network, and I have that network plugged into a PFSense firewall. From that I can see and control all traffic, disable internet traffic and create routing rules so my Home Assistant box which is on my main network can talk to devices on that IOT network. I used this appliance since it was easy, you can also grab PFsense sw for free. Anyways, it’s been very interesting to see all the outbound traffic.
That’s costly, for something every cheap router on Amazon can do…
If I block both incoming and outgoing traffic for all ports on the local address of my Daikin, norhing will get through.
Edit: Blocking will just be possible for outgoing traffic (originating from my Daikin). So I have to do the reset procedure. Doing that with a filter in place for outgoing traffic, will prevent my Daikin to establish a connection to the external service.
I wonder if there is a more basic explanation. You have a remote control for this heater I believe? Any chance one of your neighbors has the same unit?
The outgoing connection is the important one. Without an outgoing signal, there is no way to determine from the outside, where to send the “answer”. So a connection starting from the outside is impossible. All assuming you have a router, that is using NAT (I don’t know any router that doesn’t).
I’m really curious, how this story ends