Entity_registry.yaml is gone as of version 0.77.1, as well as the GUI entity registry editor

I also just hit this with a dead zwave switch… Now I added a new node and the name is taken up and it’s dead and no way for me to remove the old one…

I just ran into this recently myself when I had a z-wave switch completely die on me (it didn’t even work as a dumb switch anymore.) This is from memory so I apologize if I miss a step, but this should get you close.

  1. Go to Z-Wave control panel.
  2. Select your Node from the Node Management dropdown.
  3. Select “test node.”
  4. After you test the node and it comes back dead, you should have a “remove dead node” option.

There is also this process where you set the “is_failed” to “true.”

I know this is going back a ways, but Im having the same issues with some bulbs. HA reporting ghost entitys

Im running supervisor, so not sure how or where to find the registry?

You can manage “ghost” entities (and devices) in the UI. Look under Configuration → Entities

Thanks mate! I did, they were not there.

In the end it was the smartthings intergration. I disabled it, not deleted it. So the entities were hidden somehow. Removed the intergration and everything was fine :slight_smile:

Thank you , this was the only way I could rename my entity id’s for my tp-link Kasa switches, as the tplink app only renames their friendly name. Repurposing smart switches from different rooms was confusing without being able to update/correct their names.