💬 Entity State Notification

from what I was able to test just now it’s working perfectly :slight_smile: thank you for the quick fix

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Hello, would it be possible to enter the time using input number? This would make it possible to set different times depending on the outside temperature, for example.

Hello, could you explain your use case to me? I can not get what you want to achieve. Thanks!

If the outside temperature is below 0 °C, I would like to be reminded to close the windows after 10 minutes, for example. If it is between 0 and 10 degrees, after 20 minutes and if it is above 20 degrees only after an hour…


Hello, i’ve downloaded and install your Blueprint ,
but when i test it in trace tables i receive an error message that tells :slight_smile:
Error: UndefinedError: ‘dict object’ has no attribute ‘from_state’
I use a binary sensor for door and i use “on” state as switch to activate automation. Maybe i’m doing something wrong.
Where i make mistake?

Thanks a lot

You can’t run the automation from the menu. If you want to test it you have to change the state of your door sensor. Just open or close the door or manipulate the state in dev settings:

Thanks a lot. It works. I was using wrong method to test automation. :slight_smile:

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@panhans this was a great time saver! Thanks.
Any idea how to get device_class of the sensor in the notification? I have Basement (windows and doors) so it would be nice to distinguish between the 2 types. I’ve tried the below.

{{ entity_name }} {{ device_class }} is open

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Thank you for your feedback!

This should do the trick:

{{ entity_name }} {{ state_attr(sensor, 'device_class') }} is open

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Thank you for the blueprint!

I have a suggestion. It would be great, if we can add condition to the logic.
For example if the heating/cooling is on, I need the notification, but if it is not I don’t need.

It is possible to use wildcard entity names? for example binary_sensor.window_*

Thank you

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Great Blueprint, thanks a lot!
One Question: Is there a chance to get notifications for more than one device?
Sorry if its a dumb question, but I’m new to HA so I don’t know how to do this

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I will have a look into. As a workaround you can enable/disable the automation by another one.

Not atm. For this purpose I have to make major changes to the logic.

You have to use notification groups. If you want all your devices to get this notification just type in notify otherwise have a look here:

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Is it possible to add an optional TTS message too? Then we would have all into 1 print :slight_smile:

Same here. I would love to see a variable notification time. At the moment I’m running my own automation, but I only have one window with a sensor :slight_smile: I have a template sensor which updates based on the outdoor temperature and its value is the maximum time before I get notified.

These are my current ranges:
< 0°C → 5 min
< 10°C → 10 min
< 20°C → 20 min
>= 20°C → 60 min (actually I don’t care, but I would like to know that I forgot to close a window)

I think it could be changed pretty easy, if the input of this blueprint could be another sensor instead of a fixed value.

Thanks a lot, “notify” works for me :).

Another Request: Is it possible, to create a custom Action Option for the notification? For exampe to ad a Media Player with a text to speech action for a audio notification

I have to think about it, but I have an idea for this.

Yes, I will add this. :slight_smile:

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Thats Great! That will help a lot :slight_smile:

Any idea about this?

I will add a custom action soon. Then you can add a TTS service call.

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oh cool , superb thx!