Entity to card mapping

Is there a way I can map an entity to a card based on a sensor associated with it? Similar to the surveillance-card for the cameras.
Can I put a conditional statement in the large card to map an entity to it?

I have 10 cameras and I am trying to set something up like the surveillance-card. I got it working with the card, but there is no way to change the layout of the thumbnails within the card. When I add all the entities, I get them all, the presence sensor works for each camera, so when something is detected is puts it in the large camera display.
The issue I have a few locations, one with 10 camera entities, and one with 30. When I set them up, they are all in a vertical stack, with a scrolling bar. I am trying to see if there is a way to just define them into a grid, which I can then make responsive. I could not figure it out with the surveillance card, so I figured I can hard code it. I did from the layout side like I want it, now trying to figure out how to display the one with a motion sensor triggered in the main section of my grid.

Check this out:

What Tom said, and in addition this:

Thanks for pointing it out @tom_l . I will give it a shot and use the card thread for support.