Envisalink Zone Status

Its your numbers, remove the front 0 from the zone numbers. I copied your config into mine and corrected the numbers and it works.

That was it.

Why would it only affect 8 & 9 though?

hello guys, I have setup my envisalink in home assistant and was able to setup automation successfully. but my home assistant app does not show “last trip time” for any zones. any help would be greatly appreciated. I am using basic envisalink integration code from homeassistant website, I did not do anything with sensors yet.

So I can log in to the Envisalink locally to the address, and the user/user works to get me in. I misunderstood originally, and had used my eyez-on.com login information, but corrected that. I’m not getting any updates on the zones and my log file shows…

2020-08-11 00:34:08 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.envisalink] Could not establish a connection with the Envisalink- retrying...
2020-08-11 00:34:39 ERROR (MainThread) [pyenvisalink.envisalink_base_client] Unable to connect to envisalink. Reconnecting...

So below is my current load in my config file is…

# Envisalink Alarm Panel integration
  panel_type: DSC
  user_name: user
  password: user
  code: xxxx
  evl_version: 4
  port: 4025
  keepalive_interval: 60
  zonedump_interval: 30
  timeout: 10
  panic_type: Police
      name: '2 - Motion Set Family RM'
      type: 'motion'
      name: '3 - Garage Entry Door'
      type: 'opening'
      name: '4 - Breakfast Windows'
      type: 'opening'
      name: '5 - Family Room 3 Doors'
      type: 'opening'
      name: '6 - Master Bed/Bath Windows'
      type: 'opening'
      name: '7 - Garage/Stairwell Door'
      type: 'opening'
      name: '10 - Utility Room Door'
      type: 'opening'
      name: '11 - Bed 2 (Corin) Windows'
      type: 'opening'
      name: '12 - Workout Rm Windows'
      type: 'opening'
      name: '13 - Front Door'
      type: 'opening'
      name: '14 - Dining Rm Windows'
      type: 'opening'
      name: '15 - Bed 3 (Han) Windows'
      type: 'opening'
      name: '16 - Back Porch Door'
      type: 'opening'
      name: 'Home (1477 FB)'

This feels from all the reading to be the standard approach. I’m showing the zones as binary sensors, but there is no data coming through.

Would love any help to understand what I’m doing wrong or need to change. Thanks guys

So I got it working, but don’t know what exactly what happened. I #'d the EnvisaLink code in the config.yaml out, as I was getting a number of errors and I needed to get my new Wyze sensors loaded. I added my 3 lines of code for the Wyze elements, including the HACS Repository. I got nervous when the Check Configuration was just spinning and would not validate the modified config. I pressed Restart and HA would not restart. I power cycled with no problem, and loaded my Wyze starter kit with no problems. Following excitement over the excellent performance of the Wyze sensors, I modified the # settings for the EnvisaLink code (making no changes), restarted HA, and I be damn they work and work well. I can’t explain it, but right now I’m happy. If you read anything here and can help me understand what I did, I would love to know, so I can NOT do it again.

Thanks guys

I know it’s been 3½ years, but if anyone else stumbles upon this, it’s because of the leading zeroes. In YAML, a number with a leading zero is considered to be octal, and there is no such thing as octal 008 or 009, since that would be 010 and 011 respectively. That’s why only zones 8 and 9 didn’t show up for you.


Hi @Coolie1101 can you help me with your configuration? I am also new in HA and trying to integrate envisaging zone status to my HA. So far in my configuration I have this…

  panel_type: DSC
  user_name: test
  password: test
  code: "1234"
  port: 4025
  evl_version: 4
  keepalive_interval: 60
  zonedump_interval: 30
  timeout: 10
  panic_type: Police
      name: "Patio Door"
      type: "opening"
      name: "Basement Window"
      type: "opening"
      name: "IR Basement"
      type: "motion"
      name: "IR Kitchen"
      type: "motion"
      name: "IR Salon"
      type: "motion"
      name: "IR Upstairs"
      type: "motion"
      name: "Cold Room Window"
      type: "opening"
      name: "Bachelor Door"
      type: "opening"
      name: "Front Door (slot1)"
      type: "opening"
      name: "Garage Door (slot2)"
      type: "opening"
      name: "Home Alarm"

I see in entities that I have my 10 binary sensor listed…

What should be my next step?

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Hey Coolie,
May I ask for some simple assistance in getting my own Envisalink Integration going?
My setup is very simple, and only 8 zones.

I understand your example here, and fully understand how to paste my own specific data using your example as a templete.
But the whole copy and paste into Config.yaml file sort of confuses me.
And I don’t understand even where it even located at on the latest HA version.
Sounds likely simplistic, with all my other integrations or Tasmota, ESPHome, MQTT, etc
That said I’ve never actually pasted any text into the Yaml file of my HA running on a RaspPi 3b+

So if you could let a helping hand I would be very grateful.

Thank you in advance…

Sure, where are you stuck, what do you have configured so far?

You can now use the sensors however you like, automations, alarmo (highly recommended), etc…

Thanks so much.
To start with, I need to know where the Configurtion.Yaml file is , as I’ve never touched it before, and it seems in multiple parts?
Enclosed is what I’ve edited from your posted example.

I’ve Tabbed over to list ?? What the password is??
And not sure what ?? Code ?? is.
But the biggest is of course where do I paste my final code in HA Configuration.yaml file??
Thanks very much… Phil

Password for the Envisalink Module, I believe the default is “user”, try logging into the module directly at in your browser.

The code you use to Arm/Disarm the Alarm System at the Keypad.

This is entirely up to you, you can paste it in the configuration.yaml file (don’t recommend), or in a separate alarm.yaml file, it all depends on how your system is setup, I would suggest using a separate yaml file or a package.

Using a separate yaml file

In configuration.yaml add the following to the bottom of the page, assuming you call it alarm_system.yaml

envisalink: !include alarm_system.yaml

Then create a file called alarm_system.yaml in teh same directory as configuration.yaml, and paste all the your code from your evisalink configuration.yaml file.

How did you install HA?

See this [link](Configuration.yaml - Home Assistant for file location based on install type.

I just installed it on a MicroSD card and it set itself up automatically.
Not sure I ever touched the Configuration.Yaml file ever, if I did I sure don’t recall it.
But at 70 years of age I don’t recall lots of things. LoL
That said I’ve managed to integrate Tuya, Sonoff, Tasmota that I flashed myself, and many other integrations. But as I recall none needed me to change the Configuration.Yaml file.

OK this makes sense . I’ll hopefully get time to play with creating it in a separate alarm_system.yaml file as you suggested.
I won’t have time for a couple of days yet, but I’m post back my success or additional help if needed.
Thank you again for your kind support…

That’s normal, but did you install Home Assistant OS, or via a virtual environment on Ras0berry Pi OS, or in Docker?

Hey Coolie Thanks again for your help…
Yes. it’s running : Home Assistant OS core-2022.3.3 running on a Raspberry Pi-3B+
and no Docker or VM. Just the simple HA-OS
…I’ll eventually run it on a Linux machine, but that’s down the road.
Hope to try this out this weekend, time did not permit this week.

In that case you can use either the Samba Share or File Editor Add-On.

To install add-ons, navigate to the Configuration > Add-ons & Backups panel in your Home Assistant frontend, and click on the “Add-on store” tab. All add-ons, including their documentation, are available right from the store. Some advanced add-ons will only be visible after you opt-in to “Advanced Mode” which can be changed on your user profile page. Click on an add-on you are interested in, to read the documentation or to install the add-on.