remove Envisalink form alarm_system.yaml.
panel_type: DSC
user_name: user
password: user
code: '1234'
port: 4025
evl_version: 4
keepalive_interval: 60
panic_type: Police
remove Envisalink form alarm_system.yaml.
panel_type: DSC
user_name: user
password: user
code: '1234'
port: 4025
evl_version: 4
keepalive_interval: 60
panic_type: Police
Thank You So Very Much…
I was actually able to restart HA. But I haven’t a clue if it’s working. LoL
This is actually my first time using Yaml.
Was very worried I might crash my whole system and loose everything.
So I truly Appreciate you (And this community) for actually pointing out line by line for me, so I could understand my typos in the code.
Now that I’ve successfully rebooted, I’m completely lost on the next step to actually use the Integration. So I’ve got some Homework to do before I ask any more (Dumb) questions.
But this 71 year old boy is very happy. (Much Gratitude)…
SO I’m going to do some reading here, but if you have any suggestions on the next step, I’m all “Ears” and listening.
Once it’s setup, you should have sensors / entities for each zone, which can be used however you like, in automations, alarmo (highly recommended), etc…
WoW !!
Completly Lost here…
Went to Developer Tools, and Immediately Found “Alarm control panel”: Arm away" under Services as well as others like Arm, Disarm, Home, Away, etc…
However not interested in any of these. Only to know the Status of each Door in my house.
I will eventually use these to trigger Automation.
Example: When I come home, I open the front door, and the Living room light come on, of course rules apply, time of day, or if the Panel is armed or not.
I think what I want is “zones integer”, But Instructions are very sketchy (Actually more complicated for a Novice like myself)
This is all I found… Way over my head…
" zones integer (Optional)
Envisalink boards have no way to tell us which zones are actually in use, so each zone must be configured in Home Assistant. For each zone, at least a name must be given. For more information about the visual representation of a zone, take a look at the Binary Sensor documentation. Note: If no zones are specified, Home Assistant will not load any binary_sensor components."
SO My first objective is to know how to create a zones integer?
Can you point me to any examples. I only need like 6 zones to monitor…
Thank so much
PS: Quick Update I did find I can add an “Arm Disarm Card” that’s a start. Excited !!!.
You’re overthinking things which will make it complicated for you ( as I did initially).
You already created the zones in your yaml file, and should now have a bunch of new binary_sensors (binary_sensor.front_door, binary_sensor.garage_door_inside, etc…), use those to trigger your automations.
alias: Door Open Close Chime
- platform: state
entity_id: binary_sensor.front_door
- service: do_something
I use as below to play a chime sound over my sonos speakers.
alias: Door Open Close Chime
- platform: state
entity_id: binary_sensor.front_door
- condition: template
value_template: >-
{{ ((as_timestamp(now()) -
as_timestamp(states.sensor.hass_uptime.last_changed)) >= 5) }}
- service: script.turn_on
entity_id: script.1620163527162
where: living_room
initial_state: true
mode: single
Your Yaml configuration is truly appreciated but totally over my head at this juncture.
That said I did your suggestion and found one entity.
I would simply for learning, try to create a Card that shows my Alarm Panel Status.
This would show each zone as either Open or Closed.
Seems I saw an example somewhere on a support forum?
I would be delighted to start with that, and then as I get more familiar do some automatons, and Notifications. etc…
What you mean hidden?
What are the attributes for binary_sensor.front_doo
You can always use the the built-in automation editor as well, I was just giving an example, as I don’t know what your light entities are.
OK, sorry… Learning curve here.
I’m on a roll… Started making an Entity Card that shows the status of each Zone.
Haven’t tested it yet, but assume it changes if door is open or closed.
Does this seem correct? Thanks
Yes, you should have a sensor for each zone configured in alarm_system.yaml
Well Here’s my first attempt at making a Entities Card that’s supposed to show if a door is OPEN or CLOSED… But obviously something missing here… ?
But this is rather exciting… LOL !!
type: entities
Looks fine, what’s missing?
If I open any door it doesn’t show it’s Open, Only Closed…
SO some type of status is needed ?
Also note the secondary_info: last-changed always says 2 hours ago…
Shouldn’t that change?
Yes both should update simultaneously.
What are the attributes for the alarm control panel or keypad?
You should also have a “last_tripped_time” attribute for each zone
Lets look it this one entry:
entity: binary_sensor.computer_room
secondary_info: last-updated
icon: mdi:door
SO the secondary info says last updated but NOT Status.
Also I saw this when I hit Settings on the front door entity.
" This entity (‘binary_sensor.computer_room’) does not have a unique ID, therefore its settings cannot be managed from the UI. See the documentation for more detail."
That’s normal, as HA see’s the entities as manual entries with no ID’s.
Can you change “zonedump_interval” to 0 and test again, you can also try the open/close the door two time simultaneously and see if it updates in HA.
I entered zonedump_interval: 0
And this error happened.
Key ‘entities.4.zonedump_interval’ is not expected or not supported by the visual editor.
The provided value for ‘entities.4’ is not supported by the visual editor. We support (string) but received ({“entity”:“binary_sensor.computer_room”,“zonedump_interval”:0,“secondary_info”:“last-updated”,“icon”:“mdi:door”,“name”:“Computer Room”}).
You can still edit your config in YAML.
Wher did you edit that?
Should be in alarm_system.yaml
Do you mean everything in the Entities Card Configuration should be in Yaml?
Now I’m totally confused… Isn’t this the reason these cards are created for simplicity?
And where would this zonedump_interval: 0 go?
What does it do exactly.
You mean I should copy and paste this code in the alarm_system.yaml after the existing code?