EPEVER UPower-Hi modbus setting, if you need :)

Nice :slightly_smiling_face: What kind of problem you have with Battery Current?

When I use the two registers i get silly readings, just reading the low appears to work, I presume its because i never see high current the maximum I see is about 25A. this graph shows how silly it got reading both registers.
Screenshot 2022-12-06 at 15.10.47

I think it use only low register. I have only low in use and my max is 34A when charging battery from grid and it shows it correctly.

Hi Timo have you tried to read bits to values in a single register for example:- from the below register having a display that tells you input voltage status from bits D14 and D15

or Bits D2 and D3 to show charging status?

Electricity 1 Charging Status

D15~D14, 00 Normal input voltage, 01 Low input voltage, 02 High input voltage, 03 No connect to the input power, etc.
D13~D12, Output power 00-Light load, 01-Medium load, 02-Nominal load, 03- Overload
D11 Short circuit
D10 Hardware over-voltage
D9 Heat sink overheating
D8 abnormal output voltage
D7 Input over current
D6 Busbar under-voltage
D5 Busbar over-voltage
D4 Low temperature
D3~2 Charging status 00 No charging, 01 Float charging, 02 Boost charging, 03 Equalizing charging
D0. 1 Run, 0 Standby

Hi, can you give me a pointer to how i go about using your code? And what else i need to do to get the data from the upower hi to HA? What lead are you using? (im new to HA and finding it very hard to learn any of this stuff as information is very hard to find…).
Thanks :+1:


Can you tell me little bit your current HA setup? Do run it on Raspberry Pi 4? Do you have wifi coverage where UPower HI is? Etc.

But basically there is 3 steps

  1. get HA to talk with UPower HI rs485 bus
  2. add rs485 config to HA config.yaml file
  3. create dashboard

For step 1, I think most easiest one is use older model Ebox-wifi-01 donge, just need rewiring, check https://community.home-assistant.io/t/epever-modbus-rs-485-config/214397/79

Step 2) I use File Editor this one

Step3) this is easiest, basically drag and drop

Thanks very much for the reply :blush:

I have HA running on a RPI 3b+, hopefully it will still work on this older version?.. I have gotten the rpi working over wifi instead of ethernet (im also hoping this also doesnt cause a problem…?) as it will be placed in a shed in the garden with wifi only access. The shed contains the inverter, and has 2.4g wifi coverage. The inverter is an epever upower HI - 3000 hm10022.

I have a lead that came witht the inverter - CC-USB-DB9(M)-150U-V1.0. - which i was able to connect to an old laptop successfully, but obviously that is no good for home assistant, that i know of.
Epever tells me that the wifi box does not work with the HI series, which im guessing is why you say it needs rewiring… Do you know if after rewiring i could capture all of the data, or is some not available? - (sorry, i have not read the thread that you linked to yet, will do in a mo). Do you personally use the old version of the wifi box, or have found another way altogether?

The rs485 config to be added to my yaml file, presumably that is the one in this thread above, do you know if i would have to edit parts of the code to suit my inverter? (as mine is version hm10022 vs your hm5042 - they are both in the same epever manual, so at a guess should be very similar). Or would i just be able to copy and paste without modifying at all? - im guessing i would just have to try and find out!?

Could i use the standard dashboard without creating a new one? - just for now… Would the data still be shown in a more basic way, but still be shown automatically?

(sorry for all the questions, i have literally just started with HA!) - i also have an esp32 that i got recently but again, im completely new to it and have not done any programming for over 23 years, back in the dos days lol! Thank you :+1:

RPI 3b+ should fine.

If you run HA on Home Assistant Operating System, it not have drivers for CC-USB-DB9(M)-150U-V1.0.

Because of that I have ~12 years old Atom industrial PC running Debian 11 and for it have build drivers to CC-USB-DB9(M)-150U-V1.0. Drivers you find here . This Debian also runs mbusd daemon. With this mbusd daemon HA can talk via rs485 bus to UPower HI.

All UPower HI series devices have same rs485 registers, so you can use directly my setup.

Maybe esp32 can be used, but I don’t own it so I no idea :grinning:

Thank you, i will try using the wifi box method, as this will be easier for me… Thanks for your time :+1::+1:

Thank you so much for the modbus config! :+1::+1::+1: And finding all of the register information… I have gotten it working using the ebox-wifi-01, im very happy :grinning:. Now to make a dashboard​:thinking:

Good, glad I was able to help.

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Hi, i think there is one register missing, for the current load in watts, i dont suppose you would know the correct register address etc for this?
I found this from marcao88 on another thread, but it does not work for me, but the address type looks different to yours, not hexadecimal?

name: “Sol2 Load W”
unit_of_measurement: W
device_class: power
slave: 1
address: 12558 # low 12550 high 12551 #12558
input_type: input
scale: 0.01
precision: 2
scan_interval: 5

Thanks :+1:

No idea :grinning:

Perhaps your example is for older UPower.

I have dig those register values from perl script ( mentioned in earlier post), found it from one of German forums. There is no mentions load watts.

You can experiment and try find correct register values or let HA calculate it for you (voltage * amps = watts).

Yes thanks, ive done a template calculation instead, and works ok. Ive also emailed epever to see if they can send me the full register information for upower hi series.

If you get information from epever, I’m interested :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi, i have the full rs485 documentation from epever for the upower hi series:


Looks like there is no watts for load. On pdf, if you look real-time parameters load output watts missing (B34 - B50).

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Yes, no problem though, i added this to config yaml: works ok:

- name: “House Load”
unit_of_measurement: W
device_class: power
state: “{{((states(‘sensor.load_current’)| float(0) * states(‘sensor.load_voltage’)| float(0))) | round(2) }}”

I had to do the same with grid power too, as that was giving incorrect watts…

Hello. I’m from Romania and I have a home assistant system for monitoring the devices in the house. the photovoltaic system consisting of 4 mppt epever tracer 4210 and rj45 wi-fi modules. how could I integrate those mppts in ha? they are connected to the internal network and I have their ips. I greet you.

Do you still have this file? Many Thanks :grinning: