EQ3 BT Smart Thermostat working with v ≥ 2022.7

Thank you affenterror!
I think now I am done adding all that can be added. The only things that remain to be fixed are:

After those two are solved I’ll go through the chores of making a new pip package and the PR to Home Assistant’s core, for which I have to learn a couple of things first :slight_smile:


Saw this in today’s release notes for HASSOS 9.4:

Is this a step in the right direction?

In which sense?

Maybe I am a little too optimistic, but was hoping this would help with the pairing issue?

Did not dig deep(er), just wondering…

Doesn’t look related. That seems to be for passive scanning in linux.

To be able to pair with BTProxy, the following needs to happen:

  1. Bleak support for pairing: Pairing agent by dlech · Pull Request #1100 · hbldh/bleak · GitHub
  2. BTProxy pairing support, which will hook up to the bleak API from the link above Add pairing support to BTProxy · Issue #2013 · esphome/feature-requests · GitHub
  3. A UI in home assistant for the user to enter the pairing key
  4. Optionally, a way to share bluetooth pairing keys across the proxies and adapters.

I had been looking for these, thank you, I will try it.

Hallo into the round…
in my HA-Installation with HACS about:
|Integrations Version: |1.30.1|
|Frontend Version: |20220906112053|
the repository will be not found, a error occurs, if I want to integrate the repo:

Repository David Buezas /GitHub - dbuezas/eq3btsmart not found

How can I install this integration and how can I find the right MAC-Adress of my two Valves? The info in the repository unfortunately down’t help me … I don’t understand how to install it as a proxy or a multiclient in a esp32…I can’t find the exact procedure for connecting to the heating controls anywhere, BT on the HA computer is pointless - thats why is have to run on a esp32 but it does not…
I want it to integrate with esphome it would be extremly helpfull if a complete example for an esphome-yaml would ben given…
sorry, but sometimes it would be good, if the devs would look with the eyes of an user…or said better dummy :wink: Nothing for bad
heangel - HR_ERZ

You are in luck, the Home Assistant team made it super simple!
Just follow this ESPHome Bluetooth Proxy

You’ll be flashing the esp32 directly from the browser.

You may need to install the EspHome integration in home assistant, but all the rest should get autodiscovered

Thanks mateine for your reply. Yes I know ESPhome - this is awesome. I’ve just build TemperatureMesurement for my Heating (6 sensors on one D1-mini); JK-BMS per BLE (but I cold only get read to run; control I did not) for my DIY-Solarakku, Smartshunt from Victron - this was all relativ easy to get running.
Therefore I was rather frustratet, because I could’nt get any information, which I understand and can help to control the eq3-valves with HA…Now I’ll keep trying again…
Thanks to everyone involved who is helping and developing HA further

Oh, yes, there are no step by step tutorials for this. You need:

  • HACS installed
  • This integration installed through HACS
  • ESPHome installed and running
  • An esp32 with the BTProxy flashed (Important: set active: true)
  • The BTProxy configured with your wifi credentials
  • The BTProxy detected by and added to HomeAssistant
  • The thermostat should then be autodiscovered, you just need to give it a name

If you have problems with some step feel free to post here

Many Thanks! It was ways to easy - I imagined many more steps or other steps.
Meantime I could it get running - and your step-by-step shortlist hits the nail on the head and will certainly help a lot also other people…
Now I can buy more of these valves - I saw yesterday a good price…because actual any smart-radiator-valves expensive as hell…
Thank you once more for your good work an generous help
Greetings from Germany - the OreMountains
heangel - aka HR-ERZ

:tada: happy to hear!
Yes, these used to cost 20€, and I saw them for 75€ last month. I assume the demand artificially skyrocketed for obvious reasons. How much did you get them for?

My looking where false, now I ordered 3 pcs from Amazon for 120 EUR - I think this is many to much but I found no better price…and because my firewood is slowly running out I want to make the heating in my house a little more efficient I have no other choice…
Short question: Can I use any number of BT-Proxies? My opinion is thats possible, but I’m a little bit unsecure…

Yes you can use any number, just make sure to either:

  • have a BTProxy every 3 thermostats, or
  • in the device, click options and disable “Keep bluetooth connection open”. This will disconnect after each update, freeing the slot for the next thermostat to connect. You can also increase the scan interval so not more than 3 thermostats try to update at the same time (they distribute themselves across that interval)

Hi Mateine ​​first of all a big thank you for your great work so far!!

I myself have a total of 14 thermostats spread over 3 floors in the house and installed a total of 5 bluetooth proxies.
I followed your advice from your last post but I get many thermostats as unavailable in the Dashboard displayed.
My question would be whether there is a way to bind the thermostats to individual proxies?

And what about the configuration option org/bluez/hci0…1…2…3… or automatic .

If I should contribute or test something to the project, I’m very happy to do so.

Kind regards Marc

There’s a long thread about instabilities in the closed BTProxy issue in the repo. Some people reported that this improved with a better power supply and moving it to get better wifi.

Regarding setting the individual proxy, I think you may be able to grab the path of each of the and put that in the box, but I haven’t tried it. You can also try selecting “local only”, which actually round robins through all adapters (local and BTproxies too)

Hello Mateine,thanks for the quick reply!!
I found something out but not sure if it matters. Any changes made on the thermostat configuration page had no effect on the connectivity issue I was reporting.
Every time I restarted Home Assistant many thermostats lost contact. This is absolutely reproducible.
This lost state also persisted. Only when I had rebooted the proxies, either via the hardware by pulling the plug or via the boot identity software, did the thermostats make contact again very quickly established and, above all, kept stable until the next reboot.

There is an issue in ESPHome that looks quite similar2, it looks like it’s something introduced in 2022.12

My current workaround is running a proxy restart command whenever some BLE devices are unavailable for 3 minutes. It currently runs at least three times per day :frowning:

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Hello Psychoholz,
I’m not so good at yaml coding your solution would be enough for me for now.
Could you possibly describe the code or your routine to me.
Best regards

Still in Trouble …Nobody any News so far?