Instead of using a nodemcu 32 I used a Esp01(the mini esp8266). The sensor is now active. Now I need to make a Switch to control my AC unit. I’m going to use another Esp01 to do so. But the relay i have is very basic. It only has a 5v, GND and a In port. So I needed to make a GPIO from the Esp01 to change between high(1) to low(0). That way when the GPIO is high the relay is off and when its low it turns the relay on. I tried using a simple code:
platform: gpio
number: 0
inverted: no
Its not activating the relay…any ideias?
does anyone have the code that works the BMP280 for esphome?
I can’t get it to work.
I’ve done everything.
I used ESP01, WEMOS, ESP32,8266 and nothing successful.
@DeeBeeKay - ran into a similar problem and the hard reset trick appears to work for me on a D1mini. I have also noticed that recompiling and soft reboot appeared to work better wirelessly rather than when through the UART of the host! Unable to ascertain whether this is causality or correlation!
Thanks for your input! Been pulling my hair apart since yesterday with these tantrums!
Hey Everybody,
I am new on home assisstant and your discussion help me to set up my first sensors.
First I believe I buy a bme280 with humidity, temperature and pressure sensors, and in fact I buy a bmp280 with only cheap temperature and pressure sensors.
For the board I buy esp32 wroom 32, which correspond to nodemcu-32s in esphome.
Here, after a lot try and faill, a working configuration: