Error in switch_reset on HASS restart

Ouch! What is your preferred method?

I have gone back to I moved away from it when HA got the capability of restoring from the database, but then moved back when I discovered I had a number of input_booleans that donā€™t change state very often, but I need restoring correctly when needed.

Thanks. Would you mind posting the full app you are using now? Iā€™m encountering some errors and seem to be caused by some database issues and have no clue how to adapt it myself!

Greatly appreciated!

It is whatever is in the appdaemon release. I havenā€™t altered it.

Are you sure all is still working correctly? Im having issues

I havenā€™t restarted in several weeks, so I canā€™t be sure, but your error looks more like something with the file system rather than anything wrong with the app.

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