Error integrating Google Calendar

I found the error!

In Google Calendar’s API wasn’t enabled.


Thanks! I had this issue as well and this fixed it.

Thanks I was searching for days, solved now

Thanks! Activating the api fixed it!


I have the api enabled on the

I already deleted and updated the credentials a lot of times on the Home assistant.

and I still have the issue:

" File “/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pydantic/”, line 342, in init
raise validation_error
pydantic.error_wrappers.ValidationError: 1 validation error for Calendar
field required (type=value_error.missing)"

At the first it send me the message that I have to wait some time due the api still in the process of enabling, but now I only have the error Validation.

What version of home assistant? This looks like a bug from a few months ago that was fixed.

was it the problem. I updated my container and it was resolved.