Error on Dashboard

Hi all,

on my default dashboard I have an error which I can not explain.

Error loading the view strategy:

> TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 't[0].toUpperCase')

As a screenshot:

Is there anything I can try to fix it? I have not really edited this default dashboard so I am a little confused where it comes from…



Remove the dash from settings > dashboards and add a new one again.
Although you state to not have edited it, ‘strategy’ does not pop-up by itself…maybe unintentionally?

Thanks for the idea.
First, I do not know how to remove the dashboard as I do not see any options to remove dashboards.

However, I created a new one from scratch and defined it as “default”.

What I am getting is the same on the new dashboard:

Error loading the view strategy:

TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 't[0].toUpperCase')


Further ideas?


From the dash, tick the 3 dots and try to edit raw…what do you see?

I am unsure what you mean. Is this the page you suggest?

Indeed… remove the card …no clue where this comes from but clearly this is your error

Well, I can remove it.

Then I have an empty dashboard.

And when adding a new dashboard it still has only this single card. Which I can remove and ends up in an empty dashboard.

How do I get back to my default dashboard showing all items?


OK, so the default dash settings are damaged so it seems… for this I would not know how to repair this

Error loading the view strategy - Configuration - Home Assistant Community (

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You made my day!

Even restoring backups from 3 months ago did not help. But your link (sorry, should have searched on my own) pointed to the bug where it was written about entities from Hue with same name.

And yes; I recently added a new room and named the lamp in this room just as the room.
So I went to the setting of the Hue app in HomeAssistant, opened the entities and sorted them by name. By reading I found the two entities with the same name.
Renamed one “Room Lamp” instead of “Room” (in the Hue app on my mobile device) and HomeAss is working fine again.
Additionally I had another duplicate which did not cause such trouble. The first one has an umlaut (“ü”) in it, the second does not. I assume this might be the issue.

Which brings me to the question why the bug has been marked as resolved :frowning: