Error running curl command, return code -11!?

0.92.0 IS a major change. This time I plan on waiting for the .2 release or 1 week, whichever comes first.
From my short time here I have seen all .0 releases as buggy.

Yeah, it is strange. I did roll the container back to the latest version of .89 and .88 with the same results. To be fair, I don’t often restart other containers from within Home Assistant so it’s possible it broke some time back and I just didn’t catch it, but it would be nice to have.

Any other suggestions to test?

I’m running on 0.92.1 and ran into the same problem today. I’m running a shell script that ssh’s to another box. I’m not sure if it’s directly connected to 0.92 but yesterday evening I didn’t have the issue.

I’ve also noticed that sometimes it works, sometimes I get return code -11 - I haven’t found any logic in this.

Thanks for the comment. That’s strange that sometimes it works for you. In my setup, it returns the error I originally posted 100% of the time but as noted above, the command is successful when executed from the container’s console.

I tried replacing my shell_commands with command-line switches. So far I’ve not seen the same error. This of course doesn’t help if you have scripts that don’t have on/off but do some “one way” stuff.

Exit code -11 means the process that ran the command has exited.

Since you’re restarting Home Assistant this will should be expected since Home Assistant executed the command and then it’s process terminated.

Something, somewhere, is still wrong as the command isn’t actually executed.

Thank you, I switched over to the CL switches and everything works great now.

what are CL switches? I am experiencing the same issues as you described in your OP.

Command line switch


What does your HA restart script look like now please? I am having the same error code -11


This is normal and will always show up.

I have the same Problem with scripts and command Line Switches.

but the script is then not executed at the error!

Are you running HassIO or a venv install?

I use Docker Container

This is what is happening, HA is executing your script, but then it’s closing the process that’s executed the script before it’s completed causing the exit code -11, this is normal for scripts executing a restart of HomeAssistant ie: sudo systemctl restart home-assistant.service. Per @subjectbit he changed to command line switches to resolve his issue in the docker container:

You may need to use this for yours as well.

With me happens with all scripts no matter whether with CL switch or command line … Use scripts for telegram and octoprint

I know this was “solved” with a workaround but it seems that 0.98 has finally fixed the issue:

I for one started using streaming component when it was released, and had no idea it could break so many unrelated things.

EDIT: just to clarify, when it sometimes did work and mostly didn’t, had to do with streaming. If I didn’t have streams “preloaded” and no camera stream was running, it would work, but right after starting a stream it wouldn’t. I had the same behaviour with a custom component that scanned bluetooth LE tags, with a stream running it would just not work. I haven’t tried that now as I have a raspberry doing that.