I’m getting this error with 0.72.
FWIW, I just upgraded my docker image to 0.72 and I am NOT getting this error.
looks like mine is related to a “nan” value that can’t be written. I think I need to just filter out nan value reporting from my sensor and it shouldn’t even make it to influxdb.
influxdb.exceptions.InfluxDBClientError: 400: {"error":"unable to parse 'm,domain=sensor,entity_id=pool_water_level custom_ui_state_card_str=\"state-card-custom-ui\",friendly_name_str=\"Pool Water Level\",icon_str=\"mdi:arrow-expand-vertical\",show_last_changed=1.0,value=nan 1529956581409895936': invalid number"}
I upgraded a few days ago to 0.80.3 and got the same issues now. I also updated influx db to the new latest (1.6.4). Quite annoying as my pi is unreachable at moments.
edit: my lag on raspberry pi was due to default sqllite database. Using mariadb now for recorder and load average goes back from between 4 and 5 to 0.3, 0,4