ESP 32 and a CT Clamp HOW?

I have been tinkering :slight_smile:
I tried min value but that did not work well

I was also pondering if my being close to the sensor made any diff. but not yet

So do just have an automation if above a threshold it means on?

      - calibrate_linear:
     #     - 0.015 -> 0   #0.0075
          - 0.008 -> 0
          - 0.061 -> 1.2

      # - clamp:
      #     min_value: 0.0
      #     ignore_out_of_range: true

I changed the rates to every 30 seconds, but still varies
I would be happy if I could change the accuracy decimals to 1 but that has no effect

[13:33:56][D][ct_clamp:041]: ā€˜Measured Currentā€™ - Raw AC Value: 0.012A after 306 different samples (1275 SPS)
[13:34:26][D][ct_clamp:041]: ā€˜Measured Currentā€™ - Raw AC Value: 0.007A after 304 different samples (1266 SPS)