ESP-Now Dongle?

Does anyone know if a ESP-Now dongle exists? Basically an ESP device that can receive ESP-Now messages and connects to a Homeassistant host via USB.

I know there are ESP-Now gateway projects out there that will receive ESP-now messages and then post them to MQTT server. That’s great and all but why not make it cheaper and faster by connecting the ESP directly to the host?

Google says yes. It’s all DIY:

Thanks @tom_l , however that’s my point exactly. There are projects out there that can get ESP-Now messages into MQTT, and ESPHome. However I have yet to see a dongle like approach right to the host system.

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The the answer to your question is, no. There is currently no commercial dongle.

Hi guys,
I have the same question: is there a way to avoid using a second esp for WiFi by making the “espnow” board communicating with the mqtt host directly through USB? (Assuming the espnow board is phisically connected to the mqtt host though USB)
I’m not talking about a proprietary espnow USB dongle
Thank you for your feedback
Best regards