ESP Somfy RTS Integration

It is amazing how well they stay in sync. The timing for the trigger is about half a millisecond from the receipt of the transmission. It doesn’t send the information off to some other place to come up with the position, everything is done on the ESP32 using interrupts.

Version 1.4.0 has been released. The highlights are an updated user interface, tilt motor and position controls, and backup/restore functions. The wiki has also been updated.

Hi, thanks rstouse to share your job with community!! Your github is also a model to follow ( very good wiki!)
Do you think a gate opening command (somfy sga6000 model )can be likened to a roller shutter ( shade device )?
I precise that opening is only 0% or 100% .
Pairing RTS command requires to be stick to motor controllor as described in this video (Comment ajouter une télécommande sur votre motorisation de portail ? | Somfy - YouTube) : long press until led prog is activated .

My final idea is to wire the esp with your firmware , integrate to homeassistant and open devices ( shades and gate with alexa).

Great job. I’m currently using RFLINK, but your project is much better. Will implement it over the weekend. I have everything I need in a drawer

Hi @rstrouse

Do you have any howto / steps to troubleshoot the pairing?

I finally received my transceiver. I have a good reception (in your app) and I can listen to my remote. This gives me good confidence that the wiring is correct. Now I cannot get the motor to pair with the remote. There are only so many ways I can wire the TX line (i tried a few different pins but to no avail) :slight_smile:

Not sure what to try next

If it does use the Telis RTS protocol then the ESPSomfy RTS device should work just fine and it should be able to give you a fair idea of the transition. The only weirdness might be the icon displayed.

I am sorry though, my high school French is not up to par and not sure I got the gist of the video.

Are you running the latest version? I increased the time applied to the pairing button in the 1.4.x release.

The other thing that I have run into with another user was resetting the memory on the shade. The only thing I can think of is that there are limited pairing slots on the shade and all of them were full. Like the motor had been paired too many times and never unpaired.

Finally, it is possible that the transceiver is defective in that it is receiving but not transmitting. If you had two devices they will talk to each other and indicate this.

Alternatively, you can try to set the address and rolling code for the shade set up in ESPSomfy RTS to the same address and code as the remote. Then issue an up or down command to see if the shade responds. If it doesn’t then your transceiver is receiving but not sending.

Whatever you do, do not send a bunch of commands with the same address as your remote. If you do, you will need to reset the shade and start over. Which you may need to do anyway if the remote memory is full.

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Thank you. I am using the latest version 1.4.1

I will try a few of those things and report

Ok. It’s finally working and I have no idea why :slight_smile:
Probably some small contact issues. The range is impressive

I hate those kind of fixes. What things did you try in between inop and op? Did you shake a chicken bone in the air, or spin around 3 times. Maybe hop on one leg. Gotta be something that broke the logjam.

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I replaced some dupont wires and I also swapped the tx and the rx pins (but I am pretty sure it was the earlier rather than the later). Trying the home assistant component.

I just posted v1.4.2. It now includes support for the 80 bit protocols. If you look at the frame log while activating your remote it should indicate whether we have all the commands.

@rstrouse Everything works great. Only I had to set a higher RX Bandwidth value.
Is it possible to introduce the function of reversing the operation of the roller blind? I have a few pieces that for various reasons work the opposite way.

Powersupply (and therfore mounting) from the left or right side would turn the motor rotation direction.
Do your Up Button moves the blind up or down?
(If down, you could change the direction with the remote. See in the manual of your motor)

This is a power problem. The repair crew swapped the wires. I noticed it too late, when the renovation was finished… I don’t see the option to change direction in the manual

There are many tutorial/videos/pdf’s outside.
For example:

Awesome! Glad it is working. The commands from the remote should be prescriptive. If the remote is backwards then simply changing the travel direction in the motor memory is in order.

The ability to tune the receiver to your environment really helps, especially since most of these devices are not matched to their antenna at the factory. The other thing is when you are in a noisy environment. Dialing in the bandwidth makes the radio a better listener.

Hi rstrouse,

Just wanted to jump in the conversation to thank you for sharing your project.
This was my first time playing with an ESP32 and with your very detailed wiki it was a breeze !
I had to figure out the right pins for my ESP32 board but other than that it went smoothy.
I’m super happy with the Home Assistant integration as well !

Thanks a lot for your work ! :slight_smile:

Thanks for the vote of confidence. I’m so glad it is all working well. As I learn more I will try to keep all that documentation up to date.

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Hi, I'm very interested in the somfy rts custom Integration 
but coud not find the integration in hacs. 
Did all of you here installed the integration buy copying the custom components folder 
or is it me who is not able to find it?
I hope someone could help me here. Thanks