ESP ZeroCode

Agree! Hardly waiting for Esphome to support matter :slight_smile: The zero-code was for testing and fun, but all the fun ended when relay didn’t work :)).

I’ll try this path…thanks!

But, when it works it’s magic.

I don’t know Matter that well, but I suspect that we won’t see ESPHome support Matter anytime soon. If you can write YAML for ESPHome then you are already way past Matter’s intended audience.

It’s a cool thought, however.

I think that Matter’s intended audience is the average homeowner who thinks changing the light bulb successfully is an indication of their technical superiority.

In fact you can choose pins for stuff, but none of them worked. I’ll try with esphome is it’s esp32’s board or zero-code :slight_smile:

EDIT: GPIO16 works for a relay

Finally! After a zillion tries to add device to google home or HA, the relay showed up (GPIO16)…which is btw also in ESPHome docs, but I was not able to select GPIO23 onboard for LED… well anyways, after all it was not so fun at all…all this matter connectivity issues made me a headache.

Probably my first and last project on matter and zero-code if connectivity issues will not be solved. I’ll stick to zigbee’s and esps for esphome :slight_smile:

PS: and there is no option for adding any sensors on board in zero-code

One thing I think is cool about this whole setup is that if you were to sell your home you could potentially flash all your ESPhome devices to Zero-code and link them to Google Home via Matter, removing Home Assistant from your house. I can’t imagine too many people buying a house these days would look at HA positively. They would likely want you to remove all sense of ‘smart home’.

What I heard is that matter devices integrated over Google Home or Smart Things are not working locally when their is no Internet :warning:

While matter can be implemented to work locally it doesn’t seem that google or samsung are bothering at all to do that - and - they are matter certified ether way :man_facepalming:

Indeed. Most likely buyers want to have a (big) discount for buying (for them) unmanageable e-waste together with a house :put_litter_in_its_place:

Most home buyers wouldn’t know a smart home from a smart dog. Like an unknown dog, it scares them.

on Ali: $ 1.50