ESP32 - Relay - Water Pump getting feedback buzzing?

Difficult to follow your description. Did you eliminate the lm2596 from the circuit or not?

i ordered oscilloscop. all i want to do is turn pump on or off. does a motor controller make that much of a difference for that? i thought it was used for speed referencing & control

no i didnt eliminate lm2596 i use it for powering sensors and relay vcc gnd… new schematic should explain?

What you are trying to do is relatively straightforward and usually just works. The problem is that it is not working for and there are MANY reasons why it might not work. Some are unlikely, but could still be the problem in this case.

  1. I suspect your relay board is not working correctly, since you say the relay is buzzing. It should not be buzzing under normal conditions. It could be buzzing because you don’t have it hooked up correctly or because it is not getting enough power or because it is defective.

  2. Your lm2596 could be set incorrectly or defective. Have you measured the voltage, while the relay is buzzing?

Many relay boards have an optoisolator to make it easier to keep power domains separated. Some of them require 5V to drive the relay but can be controlled by 3V3. exactly which relay board are you using?

i dont have part # of module but the relay is seed grove relay uses HLS8L-DC3V-S-C. version 2. I can use 3- 5volts (Grove - Relay | Seeed Studio Wiki)

I wrote my opinion about it on post#18. And sensors are not present on this topic. Yet…
Simple snubber circuit for the pump could be good idea as well.

im sorry if im not relaying info prperly. im new getting into this i have 1 project i did with great effort a year ago. i do know dc electrcity just not on the micro scale. so allot of circuits and such are always being looked up. do you think the lm2596 doesnt provide enoygh power to the relay. and as for extra sensors and such they are not on there because their not in this circuit. dont need them for just testing of relay. its just a xyc-y25 liquid sensor and 10 rgb led’s right now… im just mass confused because i have the same relay lm2596 wth bigger pump but on a bigger power source.

I’m not against buck converter generally. But you have a problem that is still not identified. Power issue or interferences or both. Less you have aliexpress devices on the circuit and easier it is to debug. You have good quality Mean Well psu very capable of supplying your Esp. Esp has 3.3V LDO regulator capable of powering one relay module. Less odds, less wiring.
And I repeat, keep the 120VAC wires and the pump far away from rest of the circuit. RC-snubber is a simple circuit to add if your pump doesn’t have one built in.

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i have remove LM2596 5v usb to esp. relay power off pins & gpio. still same thing. do i just put snubber over relay +& - or on motor load neut? & would u know what size resistor caps i need or should i buy a premade? i have to order everything as there is nothing around me

First confirm that you are absolutely sure AC wiring is not running together with low voltage wires, pump is not near the relay and that you are sure the circuit works correctly if pump is not connected to relay.

Snubber can be located different ways, in your case put it across the pump.
100nf/100ohm is the most common snubber circuit, some add a mov as well. If you build yourself, make sure all components are rated at least 250V.
Or find something ready made.