ESP32 S3 Box3

That’s good news. I created a new issue for this problem on Github/ESPHome here:

Well when I say fixable, finding and understanding the software is not easy. The integration for esp_adf is still in a PR.

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Volume on mine is quite acceptable for me.
For comparison, I did an audio dB measurement at 50cm using the Alan TTS model in piper. Result at 50cm was 71dB max.

I have the radar working. It was quite simple:

  - platform: gpio
      number: GPIO21
    name: "Radar detect"
    disabled_by_default: true
    device_class: "occupancy"
    entity_category: diagnostic

Note, this is only using the default detection settings of the chip. The I2C bus would need to be used to adjust to any desired settings, but note that the use of the I2C bus at this point seems to conflict with the microphone and general VA usage.

As it is, it seems to detect as follows:
ON: immediately with any movement
OFF: 1s after on and waits for further movement

The range seems to be 0-5 metres
Horizontal cover at 0.5m is about 160 deg
Vertical cover at 0.5m is about 100 deg
Sensitivity seems to be movements about 3-5cm at any distance

Adding the following filter produces a more stable output that doesn’t go on and off all the time:

      - delayed_off: 10s

Did you make any tweaks to the yaml as shared by the esphome/ha team?

Here is an updated RADAR config that:

  • adds an occupancy sensor to the Sensors section.
  • adds a configurable occupancy duration to the Config section (default: 60s).
  • adds a switch to the Config section that mutes the box and turns off the backlight when nobody is present (default: not enabled).

The last helps if on battery and also reduces network chatter.
The first can be used in HA automations to turn on lights, fans, etc.

  - platform: template
    name: "Mute when absent"
    id: mute_when_absent
    icon: mdi:account-right-arrow
    optimistic: true
    entity_category: config
    restore_mode: RESTORE_DEFAULT_OFF

  - platform: template
    name: "Presence duration"
    id: radar_delayed_off
    icon: mdi:account-clock
    optimistic: true
    restore_value: true
    initial_value: 60
    min_value: 0
    step: 5
    max_value: 300
    unit_of_measurement: s
    entity_category: config
    mode: box

  - platform: gpio
      number: GPIO21
    name: "Presence detect"
    disabled_by_default: false
    device_class: "occupancy"
      - delayed_off: !lambda return id(radar_delayed_off).state * 1000;
        - if:
              switch.is_on: mute_when_absent
              - switch.turn_on: mute
              - light.turn_off: led
        - if:
              switch.is_on: mute_when_absent
              - switch.turn_off: mute
              - light.turn_on: led

It is working well for me. I’d be interested to hear how well it works for others too. There was an initial issue for me with the device starting muted and not waking due to the absence switch defaulting to off, however I haven’t been able to replicate this.

Remember to clean your build files before install.



Where can I see this @RT1080?

I will try it as soon as I am at home :slight_smile:

Esphome shared their yaml on GitHub. Curious to know if you used theirs or your own config specifically in relation to audio (seeing you dont experience volume issues)

Can you share your yaml?

Hm… the first time the configuration has not worked as intended, but I re-uploaded it and now, everything seems to work as expected.
Great work & thanks :smiley:

Now, only the i2c issue remains - and I hope, that the changes, someone provided on the github issue will work - then, all components are working for the Box3

I really need to get used to the fact, that my Box3 Display is now turning off - when I am in front of the computer but does not move enough for the radar to recognize me :smiley:
Bit strange, after weeks continuesly running display - and I always think, the device is crashing and rebooting lol

Hi Ronald. I am using the standard method that uses the esphome repo as a package.

Can you share an objective measurement of the sound dB at 50cm like I did where I got 71dB? It may be just that we have different expectations.

Anyhow, my yaml is:

  name: esp32-s3-box-3-5ad0fc
  friendly_name: Jarvis

  esphome.voice-assistant: github://esphome/firmware/voice-assistant/esp32-s3-box-3.yaml@main

  name: ${name}
  name_add_mac_suffix: false
  friendly_name: ${friendly_name}

    key: <redacted>=

  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password

# i2c:
#   - id: bus_a
#     sda: GPIO08
#     scl: GPIO18
#     scan: false

#   - sda: GPIO41
#     scl: GPIO40
#     id: bus_b

  - platform: adc
    pin: GPIO10
    name: "Battery voltage"
    id: battery_voltage
    unit_of_measurement: "V"
    accuracy_decimals: 3
    device_class: "voltage"
    entity_category: "diagnostic"
    disabled_by_default: true
    update_interval: 30s
    attenuation: auto
        - multiply: 4.01

  - platform: copy
    source_id: battery_voltage
    name: "Battery level"
    unit_of_measurement: "%"
    accuracy_decimals: 1
    device_class: "battery"
    entity_category: "diagnostic"
      - lambda: return (x - 2.5) / (4.2 - 2.5) * 100;
      - clamp:
          min_value: 0
          max_value: 100
          ignore_out_of_range: true

  # - platform: aht10
  #   i2c_id: bus_b
  #   variant: AHT20
  #   temperature:
  #     name: "Temperature"
  #     accuracy_decimals: 2
  #   humidity:
  #     name: "Humidity"
  #     accuracy_decimals: 1
  #   update_interval: 60s

  - platform: template
    name: "Mute when absent"
    id: mute_when_absent
    icon: mdi:account-right-arrow
    optimistic: true
    entity_category: config
    restore_mode: RESTORE_DEFAULT_OFF

  - platform: template
    name: "Presence duration"
    id: radar_delayed_off
    icon: mdi:account-clock
    optimistic: true
    restore_value: true
    initial_value: 60
    min_value: 0
    step: 5
    max_value: 300
    unit_of_measurement: s
    entity_category: config
    mode: box

  - platform: gpio
      number: GPIO21
    name: "Presence detect"
    disabled_by_default: false
    device_class: "occupancy"
      - delayed_off: !lambda return id(radar_delayed_off).state * 1000;
        - if:
              switch.is_on: mute_when_absent
              - switch.turn_on: mute
              - light.turn_off: led
        - if:
              switch.is_on: mute_when_absent
              - switch.turn_off: mute
              - light.turn_on: led
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You could always increase the Presence duration to a longer time from the default of 60 secs. I’ve allowed a max of 5 mins. It’d be hard to stay still for 5 mins.

In the longer term when we get the I2C bus working nicely with the VA side we may be able to tweak the radar sensitivity.

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Hi, yes I am aware of these :slight_smile:

Right now, I am not sure if it is related to the integration of the Presence detector, but it seems, that my wakeword-detection failed… it is somehow the same behave as I observed it when the i2c was configured…

Even after uploading the configuration the device does not seem to detect the wake-word.
I would like to monitor, if this happens also for someone else, using the radar sensor.

I saw an error that might be related to it, but unfortunately, I had to reboot my system due to other stuff (installed updates and a new integration) before I made a copy of the message… :frowning:

So I will monitor this further and update again.

My BOX-3 is not processing its wake word anymore. My two atom echo’s now also fail to process the wake words. Something is off. Have to start troubleshooting…

did you add the presence sensor, too?

No, changed nothing for the BOX-3, nor the atom’s

The wake word toggle for BOX-3 is unavailable:

Have now updated my Home Assistant to:

Home Assistant

  • Core 2024.1.1
  • Supervisor 2023.12.0
  • Operating System 11.3
  • Frontend 20240104.0

Studio Code Server (5.14.2), Home Assistant Google Drive Backup (0.112.1), InfluxDB (4.8.0), Grafana (9.1.1), Terminal & SSH (9.8.1), File editor (5.7.0), Samba share (12.2.0), Whisper (1.0.0), Piper (1.4.0), openWakeWord (1.8.2), ESPHome (beta) (2023.12.5)

After the updates I rebooted my Home Assistant VM instance on my NAS. Still no luck and the BOX-3 wake word remains unavailable, atom’s don’t react as well.

The “use-wakeword” switch was replaced and the “mute” switch took over the same function.

When I “mute” the display goes black. So I don’t understand this ‘change’ in functions for the both toggles. Very confusing.

edit 13:12 All is working again, after I gave the command “Update All” in the ESPHOME (beta) tab:

2024-01-06 13:05:11,069 INFO 304 GET /devices ( 1.88ms
2024-01-06 13:05:15,525 INFO 200 GET /edit?configuration=esp32-s3-box-3.yaml ( 2.33ms
2024-01-06 13:05:15,602 INFO 101 GET /ace ( 3.03ms
2024-01-06 13:05:15,604 INFO Running command 'esphome --dashboard -q vscode --ace /config/esphome'
2024-01-06 13:05:18,994 INFO 304 GET /devices ( 1.98ms
2024-01-06 13:05:20,430 INFO 200 GET /edit?configuration=everything-presence-lite-301838.yaml ( 1.59ms
2024-01-06 13:05:20,449 INFO 101 GET /ace ( 0.53ms
2024-01-06 13:05:20,462 INFO Running command 'esphome --dashboard -q vscode --ace /config/esphome'
2024-01-06 13:05:22,009 INFO 200 GET /static/schema/substitutions.json ( 2.67ms
2024-01-06 13:05:22,807 INFO 304 GET /devices ( 1.76ms
2024-01-06 13:05:23,877 INFO 304 GET /edit?configuration=m5stack-atom-echo-803494.yaml ( 1.22ms
2024-01-06 13:05:23,893 INFO 101 GET /ace ( 0.77ms
2024-01-06 13:05:23,895 INFO Running command 'esphome --dashboard -q vscode --ace /config/esphome'
2024-01-06 13:05:26,661 INFO 304 GET /devices ( 1.92ms
2024-01-06 13:05:29,215 INFO 304 GET /edit?configuration=m5stack-atom-echo-80b520.yaml ( 1.29ms
2024-01-06 13:05:29,247 INFO 101 GET /ace ( 0.66ms
2024-01-06 13:05:29,250 INFO Running command 'esphome --dashboard -q vscode --ace /config/esphome'
2024-01-06 13:05:31,273 INFO 304 GET /devices ( 5.61ms
2024-01-06 13:05:36,267 INFO 304 GET /devices ( 1.41ms
2024-01-06 13:05:41,273 INFO 304 GET /devices ( 2.10ms
2024-01-06 13:05:46,277 INFO 304 GET /devices ( 3.33ms
2024-01-06 13:05:51,284 INFO 304 GET /devices ( 2.65ms
2024-01-06 13:05:56,282 INFO 304 GET /devices ( 1.30ms
2024-01-06 13:06:01,283 INFO 304 GET /devices ( 1.31ms
2024-01-06 13:06:06,283 INFO 304 GET /devices ( 1.34ms
2024-01-06 13:07:26,607 INFO 200 GET /devices ( 1.41ms
2024-01-06 13:09:44,238 INFO 304 GET / ( 1.88ms
2024-01-06 13:09:44,286 INFO 304 GET /devices ( 3.15ms
2024-01-06 13:09:49,284 INFO 304 GET /devices ( 1.75ms

Settings BOX-3:

that’s correct.
When the device is “muted” - the display goes off and voice assistant would not use the wakeword detection.

The same rule was applied to the “use wakeword” switch before - and this swich has been removed and the muted switch took over the same function.

Just remove the “use wakeword” switch from your dashboard - everything should be as intended then :wink:

here’s the commit in the firmware repository that describe the change

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Thanks for your clarification, appreciated. :sunglasses:

Screenshot 2024-01-06 at 13.38.18